Covid investigation, ok Chamber to bill for the establishment of a Commission on emergency management

Covid investigation ok Chamber to bill for the establishment of

(Finance) – The Chamber of Deputies has given the go-ahead to the bill which aims to establish a commission of inquiry into the management of the Covid emergency in Italy. The text, approved in Montecitorio with 172 votes in favour, none against and four abstentions, has now passed to the Senate. The M5S deputies did not participate in the vote, leaving the Chamber as did those of the Democratic Party, but remained in the hemicycle waving their voting cards. After the announcement of the result, the majority deputies shouted in chorus “Truth, truth”.

“As you have packaged it, this commission of inquiry is an insult and a slap in the face to Italians and healthcare personnel, to all those who have been in the trenches” during the pandemic, said M5s leader Giuseppe Conte in the Chamber, speaking in the statement vote on the bill. “I accuse you before the Italian people: this commission is a farce, it is not an act of political courage but of cowardice”, added the 5stelle leader.

“As it is, this commission of inquiry is a political firing squad with two names: Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Speranza. To do this, use the leverage of something that could have been serious. But it doesn’t work for me. We, unlike many of you, enter the courtrooms with our heads held high: we defend ourselves not from trials but in trials. The courts have dismissed ascertaining that my government has operated with the utmost commitment and responsibility,” Conte said.

“From yours you only have the strength of numbers but we do not recognize any political and moral authority in you. You make this commission yourself: we listen to Speranza, after which you do this slap in the face to those who have worked without our complicity “, he concluded.
