Covid, from the EU Commission ok to the Italian regime for 60 million euros for the tourism and spa sectors

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(Finance) – Green light from European Commission to a regime Italian from 60 million euros in support of the tourism and spa sectors, in the context of the damage caused to the economy by lockdowns and restrictive measures imposed as a result of Covid. According to a note, the measure was approved within the temporary framework for the measures state aid.

The scheme, the note reads, aims to reduce the costs of work supported by private employers active in the sectors tourist And thermal and, ultimately, to preserve and incentivize levels of occupation. The aid will take the form of an exemption from payment of the compulsory social security contributions (with the exception of those relating to insurance against accidents at work) for new seasonal workers or hired temporary workers, for a maximum period of three months, with the possibility of an extension for a maximum period of 6 months under certain conditions.

The Commission found that the Italian regime is in line with the conditions set out in the temporary framework. In particular, the aid will not exceed € 2.3 million per beneficiary and will be granted by 30 June 2022.
