Covid France measures: travel, telework, news in May?

Covid France measures travel telework news in May

The decrease in the circulation of the covid virus has allowed the suspension and/or the cessation of most of the measures put in place by the French government in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Finalization of the measures still in force in May 2022.

[Mise à jour le 2 mai 2022 à 14h20] Most of measures put in place by the government to fight the covid-19 epidemic are no longer in effect since the decline in the circulation of the virus. the wearing a mask is no longer compulsory with the exception of transport and places of health. the telework is no longer imposed but recommended in business. the vaccination pass is suspended. “Our strategy of easing restrictive measures was the right one.” For the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, guest of RTL on April 7, the epidemic situation in France is reassuring: “the covid circulates in France but less quickly, the peak of the epidemic rebound is crossed, the health and hospital impact is limited. Thanks to the massive vaccination of the French.” Precisely in terms of vaccination, while 79% of French people have a complete vaccination schedule according to Ministry of Healththe Minister announced theopening of the 4th dose of vaccine (corresponding to a second booster) for French people aged 60 years or more. Reminder of the measures in force.

What are the Covid measures today?

Anti-Covid measures have been eased in France since March 14, 2022.

Wearing a maskVaccination passCase contactsSchool
  • Wearing a mask is not more obligatory in establishments open to the public (company, school, etc.),exception of all of transport indoors and in health places or of care (especially the hospitalsthe pharmaciesat the doctorsor even the laboratories of medical biology) in which it remains required for caregivers, patients and visitors.
  • Wearing a mask remains recommended for all people at risk to develop a severe form of the disease, especially in crowded places, for case contacts and symptomatic cases.
  • Since March 14, the vaccination pass has been suspended in all places where it was required (leisure and cultural places, commercial catering activities, fairs and trade shows, etc.).
  • the health pass is still in effect in health establishments and places of care (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.).

Since March 21, contact cases no longer need to isolate themselves even if they are not vaccinated against Covid.

  • Level 1 Protocol in force.
  • End of wearing a mask in class in schools, colleges and high schools
  • Baccalaureate specialty tests, scheduled for March 14 to 16, postponed to May 11, 12 and 13

What are the Covid measures in Paris?

The measures in Paris are identical to those in force on the rest of the national territory. the Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors or indoors. As indicated by the city ​​of Paris, all the measures have ended with the exception of the wearing of a compulsory mask in public transport (train, bus, metro, etc.) and health establishments. The vaccination pass is suspended. Only the health pass remains in force for access to health establishments and nursing homes.

What are the measures for vaccination against Covid?

Vaccination against Covid must continue, scientists insist, even if the vaccine pass is no longer in force. To date, in France:

  • The second booster dose of vaccine against Covid-19 (4th dose) is open to people aged 60 and over whose last injection was more than 6 months ago and to people aged 80 and over whose last injection was more than 3 months ago month.
  • the delay of the booster dose is reduced to three months after the last injection or the last Covid-19 infection.
  • the booster vaccination is open to all people aged 18 and over, and since January 24, it is open to all teenagers aged 12 to 17 without obligation.
  • The vaccination is open to all children 5-11 years old and requires the agreement of one or other of the holders of parental authority.

What are the covid isolation measures?

Since March 21in accordance with the opinion of the High Council for Public Health (HCSP), people with contact casesregardless of their vaccination status, are no longer required to observe quarantine orisolation“. Nevertheless, they must always strictly apply the barrier measures, and in particular wearing a mask indoors and outdoors in contact with other people; limit their contact, in particular with vulnerable people; avoid all contact with people at risk of serious illness and telework as far as possible.

If you are covid positive : isolation is 10 days if you are not vaccinated or 7 days if you are vaccinated. Isolation can go from 10 to 7 days or from 7 to 5 days if a negative covid test is carried out.

If you are contact : no more isolation whether you are vaccinated or not.

Since March 21, the rules to follow for Covid contact cases have changed for the not vaccinated. These people don’t have no more isolation if they are contact cases (as is the case for vaccinated persons). Nevertheless, they must always strictly apply barrier measures, and in particular wearing a mask indoors and outdoors in contact with other people; limit their contact, in particular with vulnerable people; avoid contact with people at risk of severe form; telecommute as much as possible.

What are the measures in business on March 14?

Since March 14, the corporate covid protocol no longer exists. No more masks in business, no more compulsory distance and no more restrictions for gathering. On the other hand, it will remain recommended to apply barrier gestures such as hand washing.

What measures for the health pass?

The vaccination pass has been suspended since March 14 in all places where it was required (leisure and cultural venues, commercial catering activities, fairs and trade shows, etc.). On the other hand the sanitary pass rest compulsory, except in an emergency, to access the hospitals, retirement homes, or even to establishments welcoming adults with disabilities with the aim of protecting those most at risk from COVID-19. Visits to establishments subject to a health pass are authorized.

What are the measures for wearing a mask?

Wearing a mask is lifted outdoors and indoors open to the public, with the exception of all transport indoors and in places of health or care (in particular hospitals, pharmacies, among doctors, or even medical biology laboratories) in which it is still required for caregivers, patients and visitors. Wearing a mask is also recommended for all people at risk to develop a severe form of the disease, especially in crowded places.

What are the Covid measures for travel?

Travel rules have been relaxed since February 12. Proof of a complete vaccination schedule becomes sufficient to arrive in France, regardless of the country of origin. For unvaccinated travellers, the obligation to present a negative test to travel to France remainsbut the measures on arrival (test, isolation) are lifted when they come from countries on the “green” list characterized by a moderate circulation of the virus.

What are the new measures for telework?

Since February 2, teleworking is no longer mandatory but recommended. “The use of telework is recommended: employers set, within the framework of local social dialogue, the terms and conditions for the use of telework“, can we read in the health protocol at work updated on January 25, 2022. The corporate protocol has been removed since March 14 but there have been no new instructions on telework rules. It is up to each employer to decide.

What are the Covid measures at school?

Since March 2022, the health protocol has moved to level 1 / green level for all schools and educational establishments in the national territory, indicates the Ministry of Education. This transition to level 1 involves in particular:

  • the end of the obligation to limit mixing between groups of students;
  • the end of restrictions on the practice of physical and sporting activities;
  • measures relating to hand washing, ventilation and surface disinfection are maintained.
