Covid France measures: March 14, what is changing?

Covid France measures March 14 what is changing

Several new measures related to the Covid epidemic will come into force on March 14. The end of the mask for example. Yet coronavirus cases are no longer dropping as fast. New rules to come.

[Mis à jour le 9 mars 2022 à 15h01] As announced by Prime Minister Jean Castex on March 3 on TF1, “a new phase of easing health measures” will start Monday, March 14. End of the vaccine pass, the mask, the company protocol… What are the new measures?

What are the new measures on March 14?

Guest of the 1 p.m. news from TF1, Wednesday March 3, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the end of the vaccination pass and the wearing of the mask indoors on March 14, 2022. The mask will no longer be compulsory in schools either. “including in class” confirmed the Prime Minister. On the other hand, it will remain compulsory in public transport (trains, planes) and in health establishments. The health pass will remain in force, except in emergencies, at the entrance to hospitals, retirement homes or establishments for disabled adults.

What are the covid isolation measures?

Currently, the isolation measures concern positive covid cases and unvaccinated contact cases:

If you are covid positive : isolation is 10 days if you are not vaccinated or 7 days if you are vaccinated. Isolation can go from 10 to 7 days or from 7 to 5 days if a negative covid test is carried out.

If you are contact : no isolation if you are vaccinated; 7-day isolation if you are not vaccinated.

What measures in business on March 14?

From March 14, the corporate covid protocol will no longer exist. No more masks in business, no more compulsory distance and no more restrictions for gathering. On the other hand, it will remain recommended to apply barrier gestures such as hand washing.

What measures for the vaccination pass?

The vaccination pass will be suspended wherever it applied from March 14. The health pass will remain in force at the entrance to health establishments, retirement homes, nursing homes and establishments for disabled adults.

What are the measurements for the mask?

The wearing of the mask will be completely lifted on March 14, 2022, announced Prime Minister Jean Castex on TF1’s 1 p.m. newscast. Everywhere, in companies, in administrations, in shops and stores and in schools “including in class”. Corn not in transport, nursing homes, medical establishments and hospitals. In outside, wearing a mask is no longer mandatory since February 2. Since February 28, the Wearing a mask indoors is no longer compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass (restaurants, bars, cinemas, museums, performance halls, concert halls, sporting events, etc.).

What are the latest Covid measures for travel?

Travel rules have been relaxed since February 12. Proof of a complete vaccination schedule becomes sufficient to arrive in France, regardless of the country of origin. For unvaccinated travellers, the obligation to present a negative test to travel to France remainsbut the measures on arrival (test, isolation) are lifted when they come from countries on the “green” list characterized by a moderate circulation of the virus

What are the latest measures for teleworking?

Since February 2, 2022, teleworking is no longer mandatory but recommended. “The use of telework is recommended: employers set, within the framework of local social dialogue, the terms and conditions for the use of telework“, can we read in the health protocol at work updated on January 25, 2022. The protocol will be deleted on March 14, to see if new decisions are made in French companies regarding teleworking.

What are the Covid measures at school?

At school, wearing a mask outside is no longer compulsory. No more mask therefore in the playgrounds. Inside, in the classrooms, the mask can be removed on March 14. Furthermore, the baccalaureate specialty examsscheduled for March 14 to 16, have been postponed to May 11, 12 and 13 due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
