Covid France measures: current, news, pass, mask…

Covid France measures current news pass mask

NEW COVID MEASURES. France lifts its last restrictions. On February 16, nightclubs reopen, standing consumption is again possible in cafes, bars… What other measures afterwards? February 28? For the mask? When will the vaccination pass end? Calendar.

[Mis à jour le 17 février 2022 à 16h19] Faced with the decrease in the Covid epidemic in France, the latest restrictions lift in France step by step. Wednesday February 16 mark it reopening of nightclubs (closed since December 10), the possibility of eat again at the cinema or in transport and of drink standing up in bars and cafes. “Lepidemic is in sharp decline, confirmed government spokesman Gabriel Attal after a Council of Ministers meeting on February 15. In 10 days, the average number of positive cases was halved. In one week the incidence rate reduced by 45%. We are back to the level of the end of December.” Other measures will take place on February 28: single test for contact cases, end of the indoor mask when you present your vaccination pass, end of the mask outside at school for the children… Regarding the end of the vaccination passshe can intervene “as soon as the situation in the hospital allows it” said Gabriel Attal on February 15. As a reminder, Jean Castex had announced a “precise timetable” gradual easing of restrictions in France, during a press conference January 20, in the presence of Olivier Véran. This speech took place in a context of stabilization of the health situation, particularly in hospitals and the number of new coronavirus positive cases.

What are the new Covid measures from February 16?

New stage of reductions in health restrictions in France on February 16. As announced by the government, from today:

  • The discos (closed since December 10) reopen in accordance with the health protocol.
  • The standing concerts resume in accordance with the health protocol.
  • Consumption is again possible in stadiums, cinemas and transportin the same way standing consumption in bars and cafes.

What new measures on February 28?

On February 11, the Ministry of Health announced in a communicated a relaxation of the rules for screening contact cases and of wearing a mask indoors from the February 28. Precisely :

► People case contacts will only have to realizea single test (self-test or antigen test or RT-PCR test) at D+2 instead of three tests today (on D0, D2 and D4). In the case of a positive self-test, the person will have to do an antigen test or a confirmatory RT-PCR test. The isolation rules remain unchanged.

► The Wearing a mask indoors will no longer be compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass except in transportation. Wearing a mask is still recommended in the event of a group of people with a high density.

What are the new measures for the vaccination pass?

Since February 15, you must have taken your booster dose of vaccine against Covid for less than 4 months to keep a valid vaccine pass (against 7 months previously), remember government websitet. Also, according to a press release from the Ministry of Health dated January 27, 2022, people who cannot carry out their recall in time because they have been infected with Covid-19, will be able to use their recovery certificate from 11 days after infection and up to 4 months for those aged 18 and over. Indeed from February 15, the certificate of reinstatement is valid for 4 months instead of 6. In addition, models can let us hope thaton the horizon at the end of March beginning of April, the situation is sufficiently relaxed at the hospital for us to be able to lift the vaccination pass“, said government spokesman Gabriel Attal on Wednesday February 9, 2022 at the end of a Health Defense Council. end of the vaccination pass may intervene “as soon as the situation in the hospital allows it” he confirmed on February 15.

What are the covid measures at the cinema?

According to the health protocol in force in cinemas, recalled on February 4 by the Ministry of Culturereception in the cinemas is done on compulsory presentation of the vaccination pass (or sanitary), the Wearing a mask is compulsory for anyone from 6 years old including for people with a health or vaccination pass (wearing a mask in the cinema should be lifted from February 28 according to the new instructions from the Ministry of Health). There is no longer a gauge limitation or a one-seat rule between spectators. When the school or extracurricular groups go to a cinema screening (this also applies to the museum or the theatre): if the establishment reserves a place or a time slot dedicated to school and extracurricular public, the health or vaccination pass is not required; if the planned activity involves mixing with other users, the health or vaccination pass, depending on age, is required. Wearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6 : indoors and during the session, including for people with a health or vaccination pass.

What are the covid measures for the mask?

In outside, wearing a mask is no longer mandatory since February 2, 2022. On February 11, the Ministry of Health announced in a communicated a relaxation of the rules of wearing a mask indoors from the February 28. From this date, the Wearing a mask indoors will no longer be compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass. It will remain compulsory in transport and closed places not subject to the vaccination pass. Wearing a mask is still recommended in the event of a group of people with a high density. At school, wearing a mask could be reduced after the February holidays.

What are the covid measures for tests and contact cases?

Covid screening is always carried out by PCR or antigen test. Among the latest changes, the Ministry of Health announced on February 11 that people case contacts will only have to realizea single test (self-test or antigen test or RT-PCR test) at D+2 instead of three tests today (on D0, D2 and D4) from February 28. In the case of a positive self-test, the person will have to do an antigen test or a confirmatory RT-PCR test. The isolation rules remain unchanged. Furthermore :

  • He is not already no longer mandatory to carry out a PCR test to confirm a positive antigen test.
  • Isolation is no longer indicated while waiting to be tested for people vaccinated against covid.

What are the covid measures for travel?

Since February 12, the following rules will apply at the borders :

  • For vaccinated travelers within the meaning of European regulations, no more testing at the start. Proof of a complete vaccination schedule becomes sufficient to arrive in France, regardless of the country of origin, as was the case before the distribution of the Omicron variant.
  • For unvaccinated travellers, the obligation to present a negative test to travel to France remainsbut the measures on arrival (test, isolation) are lifted when they come from countries on the “green” list characterized by a moderate circulation of the virus.
  • When unvaccinated travelers come from a country on the “orange” list, they must continue to present a compelling reason justifying the need for them to come to mainland France and may still be subject to a random test on arrival. Travelers who test positive will have to isolate themselves, in accordance with the recommendations of the Health Insurance.

What are the Covid measures in skiing?

In skiing, the health protocol was lightened in February. Contrary to that published in November 2021the Wearing a mask is no longer necessary on the chairlifts (ski lifts equipped with suspended seats) and ski lifts (“pull-buttocks”), on the mats that are only borrowed by one person at a time, nor when practicing alpine skiing, ski touring and Nordic skiing, indicates the communicated published in February by the Ministry of Tourism. On the other hand, there remains compulsory for people aged 6 or over who enter or stay in closed vehicles ski lifts (gondola or “eggs”) as well as access spaces located in enclosed areas. And recommended for people over 6 years old in situations ofcrowd in the open air at the foot of the ski lifts. the health or vaccination pass is required for access to gondolas, cable cars, funiculars, chairlifts, drag lifts and conveyor belts covered by the tourism code.

What are the latest measures for teleworking?

Since February 2, teleworking is no longer mandatory but recommended. “The use of telework is recommended: employers set, within the framework of local social dialogue, the terms and conditions for the use of telework“, can we read in the health protocol at work updated on January 25, 2022. In addition, the protocol indicates employees with contact cases or with symptoms suggestive of Covid must stay at home. In the office, each employee must be able to have a space allowing him to respect the rule of physical distancing of at least one meter in relation to any other person (e.g. other employee, customer, user, service provider, etc.) associated with wearing a mask. The moments of conviviality bringing together face-to-face employees in a professional setting are suspended.

What are the covid measures at school?

The covid protocol at school will change from level 3 to level 2 when returning from February holidays, announced the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer on February 11. Thus: the wearing a mask outdoors will no longer be imposed, mixing will be limited by level and more by class, sport can again take place indoors and without a mask “except contact sports” and only one self-test will be required instead of three currently, for contact case students. The parents’ sworn statement will no longer be required. Furthermore, the baccalaureate specialty examsscheduled for March 14 to 16, have been postponed to May 11, 12 and 13 due to the Covid-19 epidemic.


Ski Resorts and Covid-19 Recommendations for the 2021/2022 Winter Season. Ministry of Tourism. February 2022.

Coronavirus information –

Press conference by Jean Castex, Monday December 27, 2021
