Covid France figures: the incidence rate above 1000

Covid France figures the incidence rate above 1000

LATEST CORONAVIRUS FIGURES. The number of new cases of Covid continues to increase every day: the incidence rate goes back above 1000 (1200 in Ile-de-France). 30% of the tests are positive. Summary of the day.

[Mis à jour le 5 juillet 2022 à 16h22] The 7th Covid wave continues to rise in France with an incidence rate again above 1,000 cases/100,000 inhabitants on July 5 (1,200 cases/100,000 in Ile-de-France). “We need to find all the right reflexes, indicated the new health minister François Braun, during a speech on Tuesday July 5. We could legislate endlessly but rather want everyone to be responsive. You have to wear your mask in crowded places, public transport, transport for holidays. (…) You have to get vaccinated when you are fragile and you have to do it now when we have not reached the peak. 50% of contamination occurs when the curve drops“. According to the latest figures from Public Health France, 30% of tests are positive for Covid right now. Every day, Public Health France presents a dashboard key epidemic monitoring indicators: confirmed cases, death, hospitalizationsadmissions in intensive care or critical care, contaminationdigits of the vaccination… To which are added the data published by the government. We present here the latest figures of the covid to tuesday 5 July 2022.

What are today’s Covid figures?

Incidence rate (July 1)

Total Covid Case (as of July 5)

New cases over 24 hours (as of July 4)

Hospitalized Covid patients (July 4)Covid patients in intensive care or critical care (as of July 4)
1098/100,000 inhabitants31,653,749+24,41816,638978

How many new cases today?

At July the 5th, 24,418 new people have tested positive (very low figure like every Tuesday) in recent 24 hours. To date, France lists 31.6 million people having had a positive antigen or PCR test for the coronavirus since the start of the epidemic in 2020, according to theJohns Hopkins University.

Number of positive Covid patients – Weekly – all ages © Geodes

What are the Covid figures for hospitalizations?

The hospital data is based on data on emergency visits from the OSCOUR network and hospitalizations in conventional care and critical care reported by health establishments. Below are the figures released by the Dashboard government and Public Health France.

Hospitalized Covid patients

Evolution over the last 7 days

Critical care bed occupancy rate

As of July 4 2022

Rolling 7-Day New Hospitalization Rate - Hospitalizations for COVID-19
Rolling 7-Day New Hospitalization Rate – Hospitalizations for COVID-19 © Geodes

How many Covid cases in intensive care?

The number of new hospitalizations and critical care admissions continues to decline. At 4th July , 978 Covid patients are in intensive care according to the Dashboard of the government.

Covid patients in critical careEvolution over the last 7 daysOccupancy rate of critical care beds by Covid patients
As of July 4 2022 978+11.14%19.34%
Critical Care Hospitalization Rate - Hospitalizations for COVID-19
Critical Care Hospitalization Rate – Hospitalizations for COVID-19 © Geodes
Curve of the incidence rate in France on July 1
Curve of the incidence rate in France on July 1 © Public Health France

What are the Covid vaccination figures in France?

The estimate of the vaccination coverage against Covid is 79.8% for a complete primary vaccination and 59.7% for the booster dose. As of June 27, vaccination coverage of the booster dose at 74.6% among those aged 18 and over and at 84.5% among those aged 65 and over. Only 25.5% of 60-79 year olds and 31.3% of 80 year olds and over eligible for the second booster dose actually received it.

How many Covid deaths in France?

Government and Public Health France sites report Covid deaths in hospitals and in social and medico-social establishments, i.e. 146 215 to 4th July 2022 according to’WHO. Covid deaths outside these structures are not recorded in real time.

Electronically Certified COVID-19 Deaths as of June 20, 2022
Electronically Certified COVID-19 Deaths as of June 20, 2022 © Public Health France

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, theInsee recorded a “exceptional mortality in 2020” with almost 669,000 deaths from all causes, i.e. 56,000 more deaths than in 2019 (+9%).

According to’INED68,000 deaths are attributable to the Covid epidemic in 2020.

What do the Covid maps say in France?

What is the number of Covid deaths worldwide?

Nearly 160,000 French people have died from Covid in France. How many globally? According to ECDC figures (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) reported by Public Health France, as of July 4, 2022, Covid-19 has claimed more than 6 million lives worldwide:

WORLDEUROPEPercentage in Europe
CASE COVID546 357 444229 039 83041.92%
COVID DEAD6,336,4152,028,11532%
