Covid France figures: December 9-10, +10% in intensive care

Covid France figures December 9 10 10 in intensive care

CORONAVIRUS FIGURES. The Covid curve goes up in December. More than 70,000 new people tested positive on December 8. Incidence rate, hospitalizations and resuscitation: the latest figures.

[Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2022 à 10h27] A 9th wave of Covid is confirmed even if hedata analysis is always disturbed due to the suspension of the transmission of results by certain laboratories private medical biology companies on strike since October 27. “In week 48 (November 28-December 4), circulation of SARS-CoV-2 continued to progress at the national level” noted Public Health France in its epidemiological update of December 8. “Incidence rates from the antigenic tests and all the tests were still on the rise, as are SOS Médecins acts and visits to the emergency room. An increase was also observed in hospital indicators and the number of deaths“adds the health organization. As of December 8, admissions in resuscitation are up 10%. “There is a bounce, has confirmed Professor Alain Fisher on RMC on December 6. The cases have been on the rise in recent daysthe number ofhospitalizations remain at a high levelnumber of death remains non-negligible, of the order of 70 per day. the virus “remains a threat” for the elderly, frailcontinued the professor of immunology. Every day, Public Health France presents a dashboard key epidemic monitoring indicators: confirmed cases, dead in France and around the world, hospitalizations, statistics, impactadmissions in intensive care or critical care, contaminationcurves, figures of the vaccination… To which are added the data published by the government. We present here the latest Covid figures.

What are the Covid numbers today?

Incidence rate (December 5)

Total Covid Case (December 9)

New cases over 24 hours (as of December 8)

Hospitalized Covid patients (as of December 8)

Covid patients in intensive care or critical care (as of December 8)

597/100,000 inhabitants


What is the Covid curve at the moment?

“The incidence rates from antigen testing and all testing were always increasingindicates Public Health France on December 8.

Covid incidence rate – Weekly – all ages ©

How many new Covid cases today?

As of December 8, 71,797 new people have tested positive. In total, France identifies 38.5 millions of people having had a positive antigen or PCR test for the coronavirus since the start of the epidemic in 2020, according to theJohns Hopkins University.

Number of Covid positive patients – Weekly – all ages – up to week 48 (November 28-December 4) © Geodes

What are the Covid figures for hospitalizations?

The hospital data is based on data on emergency visits from the OSCOUR network and hospitalizations in conventional care and critical care reported by health establishments. Below are the figures released by the Dashboard government and Public Health France.

Hospitalized Covid patients

Evolution over the last 7 days

Critical care bed occupancy rate

As of December 8 2022


Hospitalization rate – Hospitalizations for COVID-19 © Geodes

How many Covid cases in intensive care?

Covid patients in critical careEvolution over the last 7 daysOccupancy rate of critical care beds by Covid patients

As of December 8, 2022

Curve of the rate of hospitalization in critical care – Hospitalizations for COVID-19 © Geodes

How many Covid deaths in France?

Government and Public Health France sites report Covid deaths in hospitals and in social and medico-social establishments, i.e. 155,836 dead in France as of December 8, 2022 according to’WHO. Covid deaths outside these structures are not recorded in real time. the Covid-19 kills more men than women pointed out theINED in March 2022.

What are the Covid vaccination figures in France?

In France, 60.1% of the population received a complete primary vaccination + a booster dose. 20% of the French population is not vaccinated against Covid-19. As of December 5, 9.7% of 60-79 year olds had received a booster adapted to the Omicron variant and 32.1% of them are considered to be protected by vaccination. 12.8% of those aged 80 and over had received a booster adapted to the Omicron variant and 14.4% are considered protected “In the context of active circulation of SARS-CoV-2, as well as several winter viruses, it is necessary to reinforce vaccination against Covid-19, in particular via a booster dose with a bivalent vaccine (against the initial strain and the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2) for eligible primary vaccinees, isolation in the event of a positive test for COVID-19 and/or symptoms” indicates Public Health France.

Vaccination coverage by age group as of December 7, 2022 © Public Health France

What do the Covid maps say in France?

What is the number of Covid deaths worldwide?

More than 150,000 French people have died from Covid in France. How many globally? According to ECDC figures (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) reported by Public Health France, as of December 8, 2022, Covid-19 has claimed more than 6 million lives worldwide:

WORLDEUROPEPercentage in Europe
COVID DEAD642 924 560266 466 56641.5%
CASE COVID6,625,0292,140,08932.3%
