Covid France August 2023: situation and rules at the moment

Covid France August 2023 situation and rules at the moment

The indicators of the Covid epidemic are green in August 2023 in France, according to Public Health France. It remains preferable to respect the barrier gestures and the health rules that persist.

In August 2023, Public health France reports very low screening rates, stabilizing emergency room visits and declining new hospitalizations. In France, the epidemic therefore remains weak compared to what we have already known since “the Omicron era”, the main variant of Covid. “The Covid period is currently in an endemo-epidemic phase and after large “destructive” waves we are seeing today rebounds of lower amplitude with less violent health impact“, confirmed the Health Risk Monitoring and Anticipation Committee (COVARS) at the end of March 2023. However, continue to respect barrier gesturesalthough many health rules ended in the first quarter of 2023.

Where is the Covid in France in August 2023?

The Covid virus is still circulating at a rate and frequency that show that it has not become a “seasonal respiratory virus” like any other (flu virus, bronchiolitis virus, etc.), according to Covars Des vague regular ones followed one another. “Although no longer a global public health emergency, Covid-19 has not gone away“, warned Hans Kluge, the director of the European office of the World Health Organization (WHO), on June 27, 2023. The Covid remains responsible for “nearly 1,000 new deaths” each week in Europe.

What is the dominant variant in France in August 2023?

According Public Health France, the recombinant Omicron XBB.1.5 remains predominant.

4 anti-Covid measures (still) in force in 2023

A booster shot for some people: people aged over 80, immunocompromised people and people at very high risk of serious illness (respecting a period of at least six months since the last dose or infection), people living in an nursing home, people living in the entourage of a fragile person.

► Even in the absence of criteria of frailty and diagnostic confirmation by a test (generally, any viral respiratory infection is transmissible by the same routes), the presence of respiratory symptoms must be wear a mask indoors in the presence of others, especially when the premises are poorly ventilated. In general, people at risk of severe form and those around them should continue to wear the maskespecially in closed or densely populated places and that they get tested quickly in case of symptoms

► Indoor air quality can be significantly improved by opening the windows at least 5 to 10 minutes per hour in private homes, offices, collective catering facilities, etc.

► You must maintain barrier gestures especially in the event of a positive test and/or symptoms, in order to protect vulnerable people: regular hand washing, ventilation of enclosed areas

What are the current measures regarding Covid isolation?

Since February 1, 2023, people who test positive for Covid are no longer required to isolate themselves, announced the Ministry of Health in a January 28, 2023 statement. Nonetheless, “as with any illness with an acute respiratory infection, it remains strongly recommended for people who test positive for Covid-19, as well as people who have been exposed to a contagious person and are likely to develop the disease, to respect barrier gesturesof get tested and D’avoid contact with fragile people“, could we read on the press release.

​​​​​​What are the current measures regarding contact cases?

Since February 1, 2023, the realization of a screening test on the second day of notification of contact status for asymptomatic contact persons no longer required. On the other hand, symptomatic people continue to have to be tested.

What are the current measures regarding the wearing of the mask?

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory anywhere. But given the circulation of several respiratory viruses (Covid-19, bronchitis virus, influenza), adherence to barrier gestures, including wearing a maskis still recommended in August 2023. Above all:

  • in closed and crowded places and public transport (metro, train, bus, plane, etc.);
  • in large gatherings, including outdoors, for people who are fragile due to their age or their pathologies;
  • in the presence of elderly, immunocompromised or chronically ill people;
  • for fragile people (elderly or immunocompromised…).
  • in the event of symptoms suggestive of Covid

What are the Covid measures at the hospital in 2023?

With the end of the state of health emergency in France on July 31, 2022, the health pass is no longer required at the entrance to hospitals. In 2023:

► Wearing a mask remains compulsory inside buildings for patients leaving their room in hospital, day hospital, consultation also for visitors, companions and patient workers (ex-paramedics).
Wearing a mask remains compulsory for hospital staff in places where patients are. (conventional hospitalization, consultation, day hospital, circulation corridors).
Wearing a mask no longer required in the offices, meeting rooms, communication rooms, rest rooms, as well as in departments and places not open to patients (laboratories, nurseries, etc.)
► Wearing a mask is compulsory, regardless of location, for hospital staff who present with symptoms suggestive of ENT or respiratory infection.

What are the measures for the Covid vaccine recall?

French people at risk of serious forms of Covid are called upon to make a additional booster vaccination in 2023. Are particularly concerned: people over 80, immunocompromised people and people at very high risk of serious illness (respecting a period of at least six months since the last dose or infection), people living in an nursing home, people living in the vicinity of a frail person. This booster dose is also open to all French people who wish it. Bivalent vaccines, targeted on the Omicron variant, have been favored for boosters since October 3, 2022.

What are the measures for travel?

Since August 1, 2022, the border health control system has been lifted, in accordance with the law putting an end to the exceptional regimes created to fight against the Covid epidemic. Travelers don’t have no more formalities to complete before their arrival in France, in mainland France and overseas, and the presentation of the health pass can no longer be required, regardless of the country or zone of origin. Likewise, no more justification of the reason for a trip departing from France, in mainland France and overseas, no certificate of leaving the territory is required by the French authorities to go to another country.

KEY DATES 2022-2023

  • March 14, 2022: end of the vaccination pass
  • March 21, 2022: end of isolation for contact cases
  • April 7, 2022: opening of the 4th dose of Covid vaccine to over 60s
  • July 31, 2022: end of the state of health emergency in France (end of the health pass, end of the compulsory mask)
  • August 1, 2022: End of the health pass obligation in places where it could still be required (hospital, EHPAD, etc.)
  • 1st of August 2022: End of the obligation to wear a mask, but it remains recommended in transport in particular / End of the possible use of confinement and the curfew / Dissolution of the Covid-19 Scientific Council replaced by a “Health Risk Monitoring and Anticipation Committee” (COVARS) placed under the Ministers of Health and Research .
  • February 1, 2023: end of mandatory isolation for Covid-positive cases
  • From April 27 to June 16, 2023: new vaccination campaign (reminder) in France
