COVID: for the experts, it is time to remove the mask in the places of care

COVID for the experts it is time to remove the

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    In a publication dated today, 8 infectious disease institutions say that now is the time to end policies imposing masking for all in healthcare establishments. At least for the moment.

    Will the mask soon be abandoned in waiting rooms and places of care in general? In any case, this is the reasoned recommendation of epidemiologists and infectious disease experts from eight institutions who today publish a joint commentary in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. Their advice takes into account the evolution and management of SARS-CoV-2 since the pathogen was first identified in 2019.

    The mask, an essential element belonging to a more global strategy

    The authors do not question the usefulness of the mask during the pandemic, or even beyond. According to them, and with hindsight, the widespread use of universal masking in healthcare facilities was justifiable to reduce the risk of transmission between healthcare personnel, patients and visitors, and preserve healthcare personnel to maintain operations. during surges.

    Universal masking was also one element of a broader set of strategies implemented to limit transmission: “Although many of these interventions interfered with the delivery of care, they were appropriate and widely accepted at the start of the pandemic response, given our limited knowledge of the pathogen and the lack of preventive and therapeutic” indicates their publication.

    When to manage covid like other respiratory viruses

    But since then, access to testing, substantial population-level immunity acquired over time, the emergence of less virulent variants, and the availability of vaccines and treatments have helped ease the burden of COVID. SARS-CoV-2 has moved into a more stable phase, during which the choice and intensity of prevention efforts must be commensurate with the risk. as such, the experts believe that it is time to align with the management strategies of other pathogens.

    “This means that now is the time to manage SARS-CoV-2 like other endemic respiratory viruses by correctly and consistently applying standard and transmission-based precautions” say the experts.

    What does that mean ? That masks are no longer useful, except of course when protective measures are required: these include the use of masks and eye protection by health personnel during activities that generate splashes or sprays on the face, regardless of patient symptoms, and masking patients when symptoms are present, among other precautions.

    Obviously for Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo:

    “Obviously you have to stop the mask and keep it only when necessary as it has always been the case. That is to say, wear it when you are sick, to protect others. And wear an FFP2 as a caregiver, as before the pandemic, when you are faced with a tuberculosis patient for example, in what is called a respiratory isolation measure” specifies Dr Kierzek, who goes so far as to question: “The real question with regard to the Covid being: was the mask really effective one day? ”.

    Indeed, a recent study also questioned the true effectiveness of wearing a mask on transmission.

    Will the mask return in the future?

    Regarding the future, again, the experts also invite to find a certain measure, depending on the situation. “Masking policies remain an important infection prevention strategy. It will be essential to educate healthcare professionals, patients and others in healthcare settings about the rationale for the ongoing review and policy changes. Future pandemics or large localized outbreaks may warrant more generalized or targeted masking policies, respectively, as part of a cluster response.”

    In the meantime, and according to these experts, universal masking in healthcare is a policy whose time is over…for now.
