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in collaboration with
Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)
Medical validation:
December 25, 2022
On this Christmas Eve, many people have to take the plane to join their loved ones. But how not to catch a virus at the airport? Advice from Dr Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director at Doctissimo.
At the end of the year, the flu and Covid-19 are hitting hard. Few have slipped through the cracks. For the lucky ones, however, you will have to go through the airport box before you can breathe. So, what good reflexes to adopt to escape viruses? Answers.
Surgical mask and hand washing
To try to escape the Covid and the flu at the airport or on the plane, it is generally necessary to exercise caution.
To do this, it is above all a question of common sense, while respecting barrier gestures.
“Putting a drysuit, gloves or a visor on your head is excessive and not very useful, but the surgical mask is still a good option to protect others – when you are sick yourself. And if you are particularly fragile, only the FFP2 mask is indicated to protect against external contamination.The surgical mask does not protect you “, recalls Dr. Kierzek.
This mask must be worn in particular in long queues at the airport, when boarding and disembarking, as well as in aircraft and airport toilets.
“Then, washing your hands regularly is obviously recommended. You can also simply disinfect them with hydroalcoholic gel. This hygienic reflex is more than recommended when going to and leaving the toilet“, says Dr. Kierzek.
Once on the plane, good news: the quality of ventilation is there. Since Covid-19, airlines have taken their precautions and are doing everything to keep the air sterile in the cabin (which is renewed on average every 2 to 3 minutes).
Aircraft are also cleaned and disinfected daily with a virucidal product, with particular emphasis on common areas (toilets, shelves or armrests).
So there is nothing to worry about on that side.
Barrier gestures must be maintained even at home
Once at your destination, maintaining barrier gestures is recommended, especially for fragile people (over the age of 65 and immunocompromised).
“Also take advantage of the holidays to relax. The holidays, the reinforcement of the social bond cause an anti-stress effect which boosts the immune defenses“, concludes Dr. Kierzek.