COVID FIGURES. The results in France this Thursday, June 2 live: announcements, figures

COVID FIGURES The results in France this Thursday June 2

[CHIFFRES COVID DIRECT] In recent days, the number daily cases seems to be on the rise again. According to the HAS, it will be necessary to administer a new booster dose of vaccine against Covid-19 to the most fragile people and to those over 65 in the fall.


Covid-19: live announcements

Live this Thursday, June 2:

On the same subject

  • Covid figures in France this Wednesday, June 1: this Wednesday, 26,144 people were infected in 24 hours, up 18.8% over the last seven days. The positivity rate is 14.6%. In addition, the situation is still improving at the hospital, with 2,270 hospitalizations over the last 7 days, a decrease of 32.4%. A total of 14,850 people are currently hospitalized. Similarly, the number of deaths is down sharply: 253 over the last seven days (-38.7%).
  • The Academy of Medicine warns of the risk of an increase in lasting cognitive disorders. In a press release released on Wednesday, she therefore calls “to study the long-term consequences and the social weight of these prolonged neurological and psychiatric forms.”
  • End of containment in Shanghai, which removes this Wednesday June 1, the most important anti-Covid restrictions imposed for two months on its 25 million inhabitants, after what was the second longest confinement put in place in China since the start of the pandemic.

Other info:

  • After two years of restrictions, Italy announced on Monday May 30 that it was abolishing from this Wednesday any obligation to present proof of vaccination against Covid-19. It will no longer be mandatory to present a health pass to enter the country.
  • The weekly report of Public Health France: “last weekthe decrease in the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 continued for the sixth consecutive week, with an improvement in epidemiological indicators being observed in all metropolitan areas”. Incidence and positivity rates were down across all age groups and the number of hospital admissions continued to decline nationwide. “Overseas, the virological indicators remained very high and still slightly increasing in Martinique, but with a very moderate effect on hospitalizations”, underlines however SPF. The incidence rate was also still high in Guadeloupe, despite a beginning of decline, with an impact on the hospital load more visible than in Martinique.
  • The BA.2 sublineage of the Omicron variant is still ubiquitous and accounts for 97.4% of interpretable sequences according to the latest Flash survey (09/05). The detection of BA.4 and BA.5 during Flash surveys is still low, but increasing, according to Santé Publique France: 0.5% for BA.4 and 1.6% for BA.5. Recombinant XD, detected at low levels since early January 2022, represents less than 0.1% of interpretable sequences.
  • Booster vaccination: as of May 23, only 34.1% of 60-79 year olds and 26.9% of 80 year olds and over eligible for the second booster dose had received it. “In the context of a circulation of SARS-CoV-2 still present, although decreasing, respect for the application of barrier gestures remains essential to maintain the favorable epidemic trend, comments Public Health, in its bulletin of May 26. . Furthermore, “the vaccination effort must continue, in particular in territories where the circulation of the virus remains significant, as well as for the second booster dose in those eligible, in particular the elderly or immunocompromised.
  • The High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends a vaccine booster for the most fragile in the fall (in particular, immunocompromised people and their entourage, people aged 65 and over and/or with comorbidities at risk of a serious form). It also recommends considering the vaccination of healthcare professionals.
  • New wave in Portugal? Portuguese health authorities warn of the start of a sixth wave linked to the BA.5 variant. Two-thirds of the positive cases recorded in the country are now due to this sub-variant of Omicron. Portugal has 58,000 cases per day on average compared to 13,000 a week earlier. Health authorities strongly recommend wearing a mask in confined and busy places. Wearing a mask is still compulsory in transport and hospitals. In a report on variants, published on May 18, Santé Publique France explains that the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sublines are under increased surveillance. “In South Africa, where they circulate mainly, they replaced BA.2 and are associated with a new epidemic wave. In Portugal, BA.5 seems to replace BA.2, without major epidemiological impact at this stage. Additional data are necessary to determine whether their impact will be similar in France, where the context (in particular the immune status of the population) is very different.
  • End of wearing a mask in public transport. The lifting of the obligation in buses, metro or train has been effective since May 16. But the mask remains recommended or mandatory in certain situations. In addition, immunocompromised people are worried, as pointed out by Yvanie Caillé, founder of the association of patients with kidney disease Renaloo. In an interview at Releaseshe is sounding the alarm for these patients who have already been excluded from the public space since the start of the pandemic.
  • Variant Omicron: symptoms, incubation, duration…
  • North Korea announced Friday its first death from Covid-19, adding that the virus has already spread across the country and that tens of thousands of people are currently “isolated and treated”. The day before, leader Kim Jong-un had announced nationwide “containment” measures.
  • The Covid has killed 1 million in the United States, according to a report released by the White House.
  • 5th wave in Africa: the continent is affected by a very strong epidemic recovery, driven by two new sub-variants of Omicron: BA.4 and BA.5. In three weeks, the number of people testing positive each day rose from 1,200 to 6,500.
  • “The total toll associated directly or indirectly with the Covid-19 pandemic between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021 isabout 14.9 million dead“, or one in 500 humans, the WHO said on Thursday in a communicated.
  • HAS proposes reimbursement of Paxlovid : after authorizing early access to Paxlovid, an antiviral for the preventive treatment of severe forms of Covid-19 on January 22, HAS, after evaluation, decides for its reimbursement. Learn more about Paxlovid.
  • Only around one in four patients hospitalized with Covid-19 have fully recovered after a yearaccording to a British study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, especially when you are a woman or obese.
  • Positive Covid test: when the health measures have been lifted, what should be done in the event of a positive test? What are the steps to register with Améli? We will explain everything to you.
  • What is the minimum time between two Covid contaminations? According to Dr. Blanchecotte, president of the Syndicat des Biologistes, we could catch Covid-19 again after about 1 month.
  • Men have been more affected by Covid than women: according to a study just published by INEDamong those over 55, the excess mortality among men compared to women is even greater if we focus only on Covid-related deaths.
  • The virus would not be transmitted so easily by the hands : a recent American study suggests that the Covid-19 virus is not easily transmitted through contaminated surfaces, due to the presence of mucins, protective proteins. Learn more.
  • Pregnant women and Covid transmission: a large study published in the BMJ shows that there is very little risk that a pregnant woman infected with Covid will transmit it to her baby, in particular, when she has a mild form. When the mother tests positive for the virus, around 2% of babies test positive within days of birth, the study concludes.
  • Covid long: Depression, loss of appetite, self-confidence… What are the consequences of a loss of smell that lasts? The explanations of Jean-Marie Lledo, researcher at the CNRS and the Institut Pasteur in our article.
  • Insee report: despite the Covid, the year 2021 recorded a slight rebound, according to Insee. Mortality remains abnormally high (compared to the period before the epidemic), but its decrease coupled with the increase in births leads to a 0.3% increase in the French population in one year.
  • The Covid, soon a disease like the flu? Although the disease is still in the pandemic phase, the spread of the Omicron variant will transform Covid-19 into an endemic disease, Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccine strategy at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), based in Paris, explained on Tuesday. Amsterdam. Read also: Thanks to Omicron, Covid-19 will become an endemic disease: what does that mean?
  • I had no side effects after the vaccine, am I really protected? Our answer.

Covid figures in France: cases, deaths, curves

The balance sheet in figures in France on Wednesday June 1:

  • 26,144 new cases in 24 hours
  • 148,385 deaths
  • 929 patients currently hospitalized in intensive care in total
  • Test positivity rate: 14.6%
  • Effective R: 0.7
  • Over 54 million people who have received at least one dose of vaccine
  • New intensive care admissions
  • In total, in intensive care

And also :

  • How to download the European certified vaccination certificate.
  • You can download your Covid-19 certificateon the Tous Anti-Covid app or on the government website.
  • Immediate work stoppage: how does this new measure announced by Olivier Véran work? We explain to you.
  • The company health protocol is published.
  • How to benefit from a home nurse if you are infected with Covid-19? Learn more about home nursing.
  • Mental health campaign “talking about it is already treating yourself”:a general public campaign by the Ministry of Health encourages the French to “talk” about their psychological state, which has been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and recalls the existence of helplines. The objective is to better detect depressive and anxiety disorders before they worsen and/or become chronic. The campaign, broken down into three spots, will be deployed on radio, television and on the Internet.
  • the “psy package”which will allow the reimbursement of ten sessions with a psychologist for children and adolescents, will be effective at the end of May.
  • Alcoholism: In an anxiety-provoking context, combining health fears and increased precariousness, the mental health of the French is severely affected. At the forefront of the risks, the increase in addiction to alcohol. Stress, alcohol at hand… contribute to relapses. The advice of psychiatrist Fanny Jacq interviewed by Top Santé.
  • Covid-long: causes, symptoms, risk profiles… What we know a year after the start of the epidemic
  • The oximeters, which allow patients suffering from Covid-19 to measure their oxygen saturation level at home, are reimbursed at 100%. Learn more about home oxygen therapy.

Parliament adopted the extension of the state of health emergency until June 1. A text of law will propose to institute a current transitional regime from June 2 to October 31.

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