Covid, contagion continues downward trend: 54,088 new cases and 244 deaths in 24 hours

Covid in the last 24 hours 38095 positives and 210

(Finance) – The downward trend of infections in Italy continues. In the last 24 hours, they registered 54,088 new positives at Covid, against 60,381 yesterday, for a total of 1,323,264 currently positive. On the other hand, deaths are increasing 244 deaths, 45 more than yesterday, leading to 171,882 deaths in our country since the beginning of the pandemic. This is what emerges from the national bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

THE total swabs processedbetween molecular and antigenic, were 281,658 with the 19.2% positivity ratedown slightly from 20.3% yesterday.

THE patients admitted to intensive care they are 400, 6 less than yesterday, while the daily admissions are 38. The hospitalized in the ordinary departments they are 10,768, 143 less than yesterday, a total of 10,768. THE discharged / healed are 19,457,330 (-83,238).

“An epidemic phase of transition is confirmed. The incidence – is highlighted in Weekly report of the Regions by the Cabin of Direction – it is very high but has been decreasing for two weeks with a reduction in transmission speed to values ​​close to or below the epidemic threshold. There is a stabilization trend in the occupancy rates of medical and intensive care beds. In this phase, the need is reiterated to continue to respect the individual and collective behavioral measures provided / recommended, the use of the mask, ventilation of the premises, hand hygiene and paying attention to gathering situations. The high vaccination coverage, the completion of vaccination cycles and the maintenance of a high immune response through the booster dose, with particular regard to the categories indicated by the ministerial provisions, represent necessary tools to mitigate the especially clinical impact of the epidemic ” .

In the period 6 – 19 July 2022, the mean Rt calculated on symptomatic cases – the report reads – was equal to 1.06 (range 0.95-1.23), down from the previous week. The transmissibility index based on cases with hospitalization is also decreasing and below the epidemic threshold: Rt = 0.95 (0.94-0.97) at 07/19/2022 vs Rt ​​= 1 (0, 98-1.02) on 12/07/2022.

“The number of new cases of Covid-19 continues to slowly decrease and also the RT shows a decreasing trend, we are now at 1.06, so many close to unity – explained the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza, commenting on monitoring -. The occupancy rate of medical and intensive care areas shows substantial stabilization and although it remains relatively high, we see a slight trend towards decreasing incidence “.
