Covid contact case: new protocol, what to do with the family?

Covid contact case new protocol what to do with the

Since January 3, only contact cases not vaccinated or having an incomplete vaccination schedule must be isolated. For the others, the tests and self-tests replace the quarantine, if the results are negative. When are we considered as a contact case? With mask? What to do ? In the family ? How many days to isolate yourself?

[Mise à jour le 7 janvier 2022 à 11h22] Faced with the exponential diffusion of the Omicron variant, the government has changed the rules for the isolation of contact cases Covid and the test procedure, as detailed in a communicated of January 2, 2022. As a reminder, the wearing a surgical mask or an FFP2 mask in the presence of the positive person allows not to be considered as a contact case. Now only the unvaccinated people should self-isolate immediately. The others must test themselves (PCR / antigen then self-tests) but can continue to leave if their results are negative. Same thing for children at school. Vaccinated, unvaccinated, children under 12… Update on the new rules.

By definition, a contact case is a person who has been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19 in the absence of effective protection measures. If you have already had the Covid There are less than 2 months, then you are not not considered as a contact case, recalls the government website My TipsCovid.

Are considered effective protective measures :

  • Physical separation isolating the contact person from the confirmed or probable case by creating two independent spaces (glass, Hygiaphone®);
  • Surgical mask, or FFP2 mask, or in “general public filtration greater than 90%” fabric (corresponding to category 1 (AFNOR)), worn by the confirmed or probable case OR the contact person.

►Not considered to be effective protective measures :

  • Category 2 fabric masks for the general public;
  • Masks in “homemade” or handcrafted fabric that do not meet AFNOR standards;
  • Visors and masks of transparent plastic worn alone;
  • Plexiglas plate placed on a counter, transparent plastic curtains separating customers and traders.

The contact person is given the self-tests free of charge at the pharmacy when the test is carried out.

A new protocol for Covid contact cases was put in place on January 3, 2022. It is available on the website Concretely from this date, the isolation rules are the same for positive people regardless of the variant (Delta or Omicron). What is changing:

  • more isolation for vaccinated people and children under 12 : instead, you must test yourself by PCR or antigen immediately and then carry out control self-tests.
  • isolation only concerns unvaccinated contact cases from the age of 12 years.
  • the isolation period for positive cases is reduced to 7 days instead of 10 for vaccinated people and children under 12 years old
  • the isolation period remains 10 days only for people not vaccinated against the coronavirus
  • the duration of isolation can be reduced by an additional 2 to 3 days (7 days to 5 days: 10 days to 7 days) if the person has a negative PCR or antigen test at that time.

Now only people who have not been vaccinated or who have an incomplete vaccination schedule should self-isolate. For the others, the tests and self-tests replace the quarantine (if the results are negative).

Isolation rules for contact cases from January 2022 © Ministry of Health

For contact persons with a complete vaccination schedule (with booster):

  • more isolation
  • antigen test or RT-PCR as soon as they learn that they are contact cases then self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4 after the last contact with the positive person (the contact person is given the self-tests free of charge at the pharmacy when their antigen test is carried out in a pharmacy or they present at the pharmacy proof of their immediate screening carried out in the laboratory or in another pharmacy ( negative test result), as well as a sworn statement justifying being a contact person to receive the self-tests free of charge).
  • In the event of a positive self-test, the result should be confirmed by an antigen test or an RT-PCR test.
  • If the test is positive, the person is infected with covid and must isolate yourself 7 days after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the positive test collection or 5 days if she presents a negative test at that time.

For contact cases with an incomplete vaccination schedule and for non-vaccinated contact cases:

  • 7-day isolation (full) from the date of the last contact.
  • antigen test or RT-PCR after 7 days. If the test is negative, the isolation ends.
  • If the test is positive, the person is infected with covid and must self-isolate 10 days after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the positive test sample (she can leave after 7 days if she performs an antigen or PCR test which is negative).

The isolation times for contact cases have changed from January 3, 2022 “in order to take into account the extremely rapid evolution of the distribution of the Omicron variant in France and to have a benefit-risk balance aimed at ensuring the control of contamination while maintaining socio-economic life” the government explained in a January 2 statement.

Vaccinated people and children under 12Unvaccinated people
No isolation: isolation is replaced by tests (PCR or antigen first then autotest). Isolation only occurs if one of the tests is positive.7 days isolation.

Children under 12 with contact at school must do an antigen or PCR test as soon as there is a case of Covid in their class, then a self-test on D + 2 and D + 4. “Parents must present a certificate on the honor of carrying out these tests to allow the student to stay in class” specifies the government. Self-tests for children under 12 are covered by health insurance and delivered free of charge in pharmacies after carrying out the first test.

Members of the household of a person who tested positive for coronavirus are considered a contact case. Therefore, if they are vaccinated they must be tested by PCR or antigen test. This test is free since they are case-contacts. According to the new general instructions given by the government (which no longer distinguish between family members):

  • If the test is negative and the contact person is vaccinated, they do not need to isolate themselves but must repeat two self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4.
  • If the test is positive, isolation takes place: 7 days for a vaccinated person or 10 days if the person is not vaccinated or if their vaccination schedule is incomplete.
  • An unvaccinated contact case must isolate themselves for 7 days and test themselves after 7 days.

When to get tested

The people contact and vaccinated cases (with reminder) must carry out a first test antigen (pharmacy) or RT-PCR (laboratory) as soon as they learn that they are contact cases, then carry out self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4 after the last contact with the positive person. For information, as specified in DGS “the contact person is given the self-tests for free at the pharmacy when performing their antigenic test in a pharmacy where they present at the pharmacy proof of their immediate screening carried out in the laboratory or in another pharmacy (negative test result), as well as a sworn statement justifying being a person contact to receive the self-tests free of charge “. The people unvaccinated contact cases isolate themselves for 7 days and perform an antigen or PCR test after 7 days to lift their isolation if the result is negative. The tests are free for case-contacts.

What if the test is positive?

If the contact person has a positive test, they are infected with Covid (a positive self-test must be confirmed by an antigen test or PCR). From January 3, 2022, the isolation rules are the same for positive people regardless of the variant (Delta or Omicron).

  • For positive people with a complete vaccination schedule (reminder carried out in accordance with the requirements of the health pass) and for children under 12: isolation is 7 days (full) after the date of onset of signs or the date the positive test was taken. After 5 days, the positive person can be released from isolation if they perform an antigen or PCR test and it is negative and if they have not had clinical signs of infection for 48 hours. If the test carried out is positive or if the person does not perform a test, their isolation is maintained for 7 days. She does not perform a second test on D7.
  • For positive people with an incomplete vaccination schedule (booster not performed) and for unvaccinated people: isolation is 10 days (full) after the date of onset of signs or the date the positive test was taken. After 7 days, the positive person can be released from isolation if they perform an antigen or PCR test and it is negative and if they have not had clinical signs of infection for 48 hours. If the test is positive or if the person does not take a test, isolation is 10 days.

What if the test is negative?

Contact persons who have been vaccinated should be tested immediately. If this test is negative, they continue to respect the barrier gestures and perform a self-test on D + 2 and D + 4 after the last contact with the positive person. Vaccinated contact cases no longer have to isolate themselves.

►The employees in case of contact of a patient who lives with them or not in the case of a complete vaccination schedule or not can benefit from a 7-day work stoppage to isolate yourself under certain conditions. The request is to be made on the site To make this request, you must:

  • have been contacted by a telephone call from the Health Insurance, by an email with instructions sent by the Health Insurance, or by an SMS referring to the consultation of a site dedicated to contact persons, on which the instructions presented must imperatively be have been validated for your stop request to be processed.
  • not to be vaccinated: vaccinated contact cases are no longer subject to isolation.
  • not have been tested positive: in this case, the request for sick leave is prescribed by the health insurance.
  • not have been placed in partial activity: there is no sick leave in this case.

Employee parent of child in case of contact : for parents of children in contact cases who do not have alternative childcare and who do not cannot telecommute, a letter will be sent either by the establishment or by the Health Insurance as a certificate of isolation to benefit from partial unemployment. This is not only valid for one of the 2 parents. On the basis of this letter, the employer makes the declaration of partial activity.


Infection or contact case: the new isolation rules for Covid-19 from January 3, 2022. 01/02/2022.

New doctrines for the isolation of Covid-19 cases and the quarantine of contact persons. 2/01/2022

Compensation system for work interruptions of employees and non-employees. November 16, 2021.

Definition of cases of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection and risky contact Updated 07/22/2021
