The COVID, cold, and flu care clinic at West Haldimand General Hospital will remain in operation until the end of June 2023.
Additional funding was approved by Ontario Health West to keep the clinic open beyond April 28, when it was set to close permanently.
Statistics provided by Sarah Titmus, program manager for infectious disease at the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, shows Haldimand-Norfolk well below other health units in the province with a case rate of 492.4 per 100,000 population for diseases caused by a novel coronavirus.
However, the rate for influenza is 17.44 per 100,000 that is ranked sixth among Ontario health units.
Titmus added that rural geography and international agricultural workers could be non-data related factors in keeping the clinic open.
The CCFCC at WHGH can test, assess, and provide treatment for people with COVID-19 and other flu and cold-like illnesses.
Staffed by physicians and nurses, the CCFCC is the primary screening and testing facility for COVID-19 in Haldimand-Norfolk.
“While we have seen a decline in cold and flu cases locally, WHGH’s CCFCC can assist patients and their families without a family physician,” said Aaron Gautreau, director of communications at Norfolk General Hospital. “We wanted to ensure that we could keep providing this valuable service to the communities we serve.”
The CCFCC helped 266 patients during the month of February 2023, of which 125 needed a PCR test.
In March, 379 patients were seen with 110 requiring a test, while thus far in April 100 patients used the CCFCC.
COVID testing is also available at community pharmacies, and the prescription drug Paxlovid will continue to be available through family physicians.
“We are grateful for the continued support and additional funds from our valuable partners at Ontario Health West,” said clinical director AnneMarie VanSickle. “The CCFCC has relieved pressures in our emergency department while providing patients and families with a more convenient option that offers shorter wait times.”
The clinic at WHGH is open from 8 am to 4 pm on weekdays and has cared for over 1,000 patients since opening December 7, 2022.
To book an appointment call 905-768-3311 ext. 1113.
“We have been unwavering in our commitment to protecting the health and well-being of the communities we serve,” said Kim Mullins, vice-president clinical and chief nursing executive. “We are very grateful to Ontario Health West for ensuring that we have the resources and support needed to meet the ongoing needs of our communities.”
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