Covid, cases still growing: “vaccinate the fragile”

Covid cases still growing vaccinate the fragile

(Finance) – According to the weekly Covid bulletin, cases in Italy are still growing: the figure as of 13 September shows 30,777, compared to 21,316 last week (+44%). The incidence rises to 52 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants compared to 36 last week.

The occupancy of beds in the medical area rises: from 3 to 3.8% with a total of 2,378 hospitalized. Intensive care also increased slightly (0.9% compared to 0.6%) in the previous survey) with 76 people. “In consideration of the epidemiological situation”, we read in the document, it is suggested to strengthen protection and prevention measures, like vaccination for the vulnerable.

The age group that records the highest weekly incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants, the document reports, is the 90+ age group, which is increasing compared to the previous week.

It continues to grow meanwhile also in Italy, as in various other countries, the prevalence of the EG.5 variant, called Eris, which reaches 43.5% this week. The data is contained in the latest weekly monitoring on Covid-19 by the Higher Institute of Health. According to the latest studies, this is a variant more resistant and with a greater ability to escape antibody defenses (generated both by previous infections and by vaccines) and this by virtue of a particular mutation (F456L) which occurred at the level of the Spike protein of the virus.

(Photo: EPA/Biontech)
