Covid, Bergamo prosecutor’s investigation: Conte calm about all the choices made

Covid Bergamo prosecutors investigation Conte calm about all the choices

(Finance) – “I have already told the prosecutor the reasons that led us to adopt one measure restrictive concerning theentire Lombard territory and I will continue to offer my contribution to clarify things in the appropriate forums, I am absolutely calm about all the choices made”. Thus the president of the M5S Joseph With you to Ansa, answering the question about the reason why he did not sign the decree establishing the red zone of Bergamo. However, the decree was signed by the then Minister of Health, Robert Hope.

“Faced with an unprecedented situation – added Conte – there are those who have accused me of having closed too much and others of having closed too little. What I can say now is that I acted with the utmost sense of responsibility, in full transparency And consciousnessnot sparing a minute of my time to tune with experts, Protection civillaw enforcement, governors a response worthy of the dramatic situation we have experienced “.

The former Prime Minister is accused on the basis of investigations conducted by the Bergamo prosecutor’s office of not having established the area red in the municipality of Nembro And They raise Lombard despite “the further increase in contagion” in Lombardy and “the ascertainment of the conditions which (…) corresponded to the most catastrophic scenario”. The former minister Speranza instead responds only for the failure to implement the floor pandemic. In fact, Speranza had signed a draft decree with which he proposed to extend the urgent “contagion containment” measure already adopted in the Lodi area, to the two municipalities in the Bergamo area, a draft that was not signed by Conte.
