Covid, 48,255 new cases in 24 hours. Down the infections on a weekly basis

Covid 48255 new cases in 24 hours Down the infections

(Finance) – They remain almost stable a 48,255 new cases of Covid recorded in the last 24 hours compared to 47,039 yesterday, while the victims are 138 compared to 152 on the eve. This is what emerges from the data released by the Ministry of Health.

They have been carried out 327,178 swabs molecular and antigenic compared to the previous 335,275, with a positivity rate which reaches 14.7% from 14%.

Patients admitted to intensive care they are 369, 2 less than yesterday in the balance between income and expenses, while i hospitalized in ordinary wards they are 9,384, 230 less than yesterday. The currently positive people there are 1,165,124, 21,946 less. Thus, the Italians infected by Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic rise to 16,682,626, while the deaths amounted to 164,179. ù

According to Gimbe Foundation you register a slowing down of infections in Italy in the last week (-8.9%), with the new cases going below 400,000, compared to a substantially stable number of swabs. They drop also deaths (-7%) from over one thousand to 962 in the week of April 27-May 3, 2022.

According to the report, there is a percentage reduction in new cases in 18 Regions: from -0.7% in Veneto to -18% in Lazio, while there is an increase in Lombardy (+ 0.7%), Friuli-Venezia Giulia ( + 5%) and Piedmont (+ 7.4%).
