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The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) warned in a report published at the end of last month of the resurgence of Parsonage-Turner syndrome. It seems that they appear more specifically after vaccination against Covid-19 with the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNtech laboratories.
In its report, the ANSM lists 43 cases of Parsonage-Turner syndrome or amyotrophic neuralgia, since the start of vaccination against Covid-19, including 27 cases between September 2021 and March 2022. It mainly affects men around 40 years.
Amyotrophic neuralgia, what is it?
This syndrome is an inflammation of the brachial plexus, a group of nerves that is located in the region of the shoulder and the collarbone. It occurs mainly at night and can be caused by stress or a viral infection, but can also develop after vaccination.
Pain, loss of muscle mass and strength
Very painful and uncomfortable, Parsonage-Turner syndrome gives pain in the neck and shoulder area, but also causes a drop in muscle strength and a loss of mass in the shoulder muscles. The skin in this area will also become very sensitive, with sensations of pinching, burning and electric shocks.
What are the possible treatments?
Drug treatments for this syndrome are based on the administration of cortisone. Acupuncture and auriculotherapy also seem to be able to reduce the pain felt.
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How many confirmed post-vaccination cases?
According to the report drawn up by the health authority on March 19, 2022, the 43 cases were studied by a neurologist expert. For 18 of them, the elements necessary to establish the circumstances of the onset of the syndrome were in vain, for lack of elements. For the other 25, 7 cases contracted Parsonage-Turner syndrome after the first dose of vaccine, 14 cases after the second dose and 4 cases after the booster.
Among these 25 people affected, 9 cases are recovered or in the process of recovery, 14 cases are not and for the remaining two people, the information is not known in one case and in the other the person is recovered. with sequelae.
Finally, remember that the ANSM also lists the total number of adverse effects following the injection of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine carried out in France. It has 97,043 cases of adverse effects (all combined) for 109,511,000 injections, between December 2020 and March 2022.