Covid-19 vaccine has no negative effects on infertility treatment!

Covid 19 vaccine has no negative effects on infertility treatment

The public can still approach uneasily against the coronavirus treatments and vaccines that have been in our lives for the last two years. In order for the coronavirus not to lead to more serious consequences, it is necessary to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Despite the frequent calls of experts to get vaccinated, those with certain diseases may be hesitant to get vaccinated. People receiving infertility treatment avoid the vaccine because they think that the Covid-19 vaccine causes infertility and adversely affects the treatment. However, experts announced that the Covid-19 vaccine did not adversely affect the treatment.


Istanbul Training and Research Hospital Süleymaniye Gynecology and Pediatrics, Gynecology Clinic Education Assistant Assoc. Dr. Gülşah İlhan said that Covid-19 vaccines do not adversely affect sperm and egg quality and do not cause infertility. Emphasizing that infertility is a very complex issue, and that there are many misconceptions about infertility, Gülşah İlhan said, “Some couples tend to believe everything they hear about ensuring pregnancy because they want to be parents. Such unfounded news causes fear, panic, and therefore anti-vaccination in people. Covid-19 vaccines do not adversely affect sperm and egg quality and do not cause infertility. When treatments such as IVF treatment, vaccination treatment are needed, it can be safely vaccinated before or after “In fact, it is recommended that they be vaccinated for a healthier treatment process,” he said.

Infertility can be seen in 10-15 out of every 100 couples.

Stating that infertility can be seen in 10-15 out of every 100 couples, Assoc. Dr. İlhan said, “The cause of infertility may belong to either a woman or a man, but in 10-15 percent of the patient group, a cause cannot be found despite all research. The causes of infertility are generally shared between men and women by 50-50 percent. In men, the effect of age is not as pronounced as in women.The most common causes in women are tube obstruction, endometriosis (chocolate cyst), ovulation disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, early menopause, while the most common causes in men are abnormal sperm production, function and sperm morphology. disorder,” he said.



Noting that men and women are evaluated together in order to make a diagnosis, İlhen said, “One of these tests for men is semen analysis (spermiogram). With semen analysis, information is obtained about the sperm count, motility and structure. In women, after evaluating the uterus and ovaries with ultrasound, the menstrual cycle is 2-5”. FSH, LH and estrogen levels can be checked with a blood test for the evaluation of ovarian reserve, and AMH levels can be checked between the 5th and 15th days. Whether the tubes are open or closed can be checked with an X-ray film called HSG. In vitro fertilization is the most well-known infertility treatment. Externally in IVF treatment It is aimed to increase the number and size of the eggs with the hormone drugs given. The eggs collected under anesthesia are fertilized under laboratory conditions and placed in the uterus of the woman. The vaccination treatment is applied by placing the sperm into the uterus with a simple method during the ovulation period. Which method will be applied? The decision is made after the couple’s age, how long they have been trying to get pregnant, the condition of their tubes, egg quality and sperm evaluation of the man.
