Covid-19: the health protocol for the start of the school year unveiled by the Ministry of Education

Covid 19 the health protocol for the start of the school

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    The health protocol for the start of the school year in September 2022 was announced by the Ministry of National Education on Tuesday July 12. Three alert levels will be applicable in schools, depending on the Covid-19 epidemic situation.

    The Ministry of National Education unveiled the health protocol for the start of the school year in September 2022 on Tuesday July 12. On the program: 3 alert levels, adapted to different Covid-19 epidemic situations depending on the hospital situation and the nature of the variants.

    Health protocol at school: 3 levels of alert

    When moving from one level to another, establishments will be given ten days to implement the new measures.

    They will be three in number:

    • The first level calls for a moderate alertness with a reminder of barrier gestures and a limitation of certain groupings that are too large. Classes will be face-to-face, regardless of class.
    • The second level calls for a enhanced vigilance with a strict reinforcement of barrier gestures and adapted sports lessons. Classes will be face-to-face. From level 2, the brewing by class will have to be limited in school restaurants for first grade pupils.
    • The third level will be triggered in the event of very unfavorable situation with the establishment of distance courses only in high school and an restriction of indoor PE activities. Only low intensity activities compatible with wearing a mask will be possible, with distancing rules.

    Consult a GP online

    What level for the start of the school year?

    The protocol will depend on the rules in force for the general population, whether for wearing a mask or testing. Positive students will have to isolate themselves but contact cases will not isolate themselves and will no longer test themselves. Regarding the wearing of a mask, the protocol provides for an alignment of the school with the general population.

    The applicable protocol will be decided at the end of August. According to union sources contacted by franceinfo, the ministry plans either normal operation or level 1 of the protocol.

    “The objective is to move towards a normalization of the virus in the school environment. The health protocols put in place in establishments since the start of the pandemic were unmanageable and anxiety-provoking for students, teachers and parents. many more side effects than contamination in the school environment; this is why we must continue towards a soft landing, always in the strategy of living with it”comments Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.
