Covid-19: the French took on average 3 kilos

Covid 19 the French took on average 3 kilos

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    According to a new survey carried out by Agence Diffusis France for Qilibri, the French gained weight during the health crisis. At issue: telework and confinements.

    Have you gained weight since the start of the health crisis? You are not alone! According to a survey carried out by Agence Diffusis France for Qilibri, 69% of respondents say they have gained weight since the arrival of the Covid-19 crisis.

    According to the survey, we are talking about an average gain of 3.3 kilos per person. Among the respondents, more than half are women and 47% are men. Ages range from 18 to 65.

    Weight gain related to sedentary lifestyle

    Telecommuting, confinement, restrictions… Lately, the conditions have not been favorable to a sporty and active lifestyle. And for good reason, for 66% of French people, a sedentary lifestyle linked to telework is the main cause of their weight gain. A figure that confirms the report recently published by ANSES, for which 95% of French people do not practice enough sport.

    “30% do much less sport than before and 29% admit to eating compulsively, stressed in this uncertain period”, say the authors of the survey. With this weight gain, more than a third of them (35%) fear the return to the office or to normal life, reveals the survey. However, the desire to regain their initial weight is not put aside: 88% of French people are ready to change their eating habits and lose weight.

    The 3 main motivations for weight loss

    The survey also reveals the main motivations that push the French to lose weight. The main reason : increase in life expectancy for 87% of respondents. Second comes the desire to feel better (71%). Finally, the French would be able to lose weight to improve their physical and sexual fitness (51%). It is also more than one in three French people who have been on a diet in the last two years.

    Note that losing weight and starting a diet are subjects not to be taken lightly. ANSES warns: “All the manipulations of the diet aiming at an energy imbalance associated or not with an imbalance of intake of macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) with the aim of weight loss can expose to significant health risks. Also, all weight loss diets, whether or not they have a specific name, are to be avoided, apart from being taken care of by health professionals”. can we read on their website.
