Covid-19: should the mask be imposed again in closed places?

Covid 19 should the mask be imposed again in closed places

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    The number of people affected by Covid-19 is on the rise again, significantly: we are witnessing a doubling of the number of cases, in a few weeks. Should it again be made compulsory to wear a mask in closed spaces, such as transport for example? The question is valid.

    For some, the answer is not in doubt: the mask must be compulsory again, in public transport in particular. This is the case of Alain Fischer, president of the Council of orientation of the vaccine strategy against the pandemic.

    He explained a few days ago with our colleagues from France 2, that the mask is “a collective protection measure“. For him, when everyone does “the little effort to wear it, it helps to protect fragile people“.

    An “anxiogenic” measure

    Asked about the question, Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo, believes that the effectiveness of the mask has not been correctly demonstrated. “The measure of compulsory mask wearing has not undergone a proper evaluation to demonstrate its effectiveness” he indicates.

    Once again, we must not act to communicate, to give the public the feeling that we are doing something, we must above all assess the risk-benefit of the measures that are proposed, in particular for wearing a mask. , which is particularly anxiety-provoking” hammers the doctor once again.

    Consult a GP online

    About 50,000 new cases per day

    On June 18, nearly 50,000 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded every day. And on June 21, not less than 100,000 new cases were recorded. A doubling which has no impact on hospitalizations for the moment, but we know that there is a lag of two to three weeks before being able to determine the impact.

    The Ministry of Health therefore invites those over 60 with or without comorbidities to take their 4th dose of vaccine now. Indeed, among 60-79 year olds living at home, only 19% of them received their 4th injection.
