Covid-19: reopening of boxes, possible consumption on the train… the lifting of health restrictions

Covid 19 reopening of boxes possible consumption on the train the

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    This February 16 marks a new step forward in the lifting of health restrictions linked to the Covid-19 crisis. As planned by the government’s calendar, nightclubs are reopening and consumption in stadiums, cinemas and transport is again authorized.

    The health situation is improving day by day.

    The peak of the 5and wave of Covid-19 is now well and truly over. The daily cases of sick people are gradually decreasing and the constraints linked to the crisis are gradually lifting. The outdoor mask has not been compulsory since February 2, and today, Wednesday February 16, marks the reopening of nightclubs, after ten weeks of closure. Their reopening will not be subject to a gauge but it will be necessary to present a vaccination pass and submit to an identity check. The other restriction that disappears concerns the possibility of consuming in cinemas, stadiums or transport, which came into force on January 3. Finally, standing consumption at the bar is again permitted.

    What reductions for the future?

    We can move forward as planned on lifting the last restrictions.”, confirmed the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, on Tuesday, February 15, in a press briefing after the Council of Ministers. After all these advances, one wonders what the future reductions will be.

    It will be necessary to wait until February 28 to be able to remove the masks in closed places subject to the vaccination pass. Regarding schools, the protocol goes to level 2 (against 3 currently) from the start of the school year for each of the zones.

    Consult a GP online

    End of the wearing of the compulsory mask and reduction of the vaccination pass in March?

    Invited this morning to our colleagues from France Info, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran takes stock of the situation to come. He explains that the contaminations are “three times lower than two weeks ago” and that this “suggests a possibility of getting out of this wave in a few weeks. Optimistic forecasts that make him hope “the end of the obligation to wear a mask indoors“in most places (at work, on transport and public transport)”from mid-March, provided that the hospital is in normal working order”. Ditto for the vaccination pass, which can “be lightened in March in most places” except “in the places most at risk” concludes the Minister of Health.
