Covid-19: Prime Minister Jean Castex announces the lifting of the vaccination pass on March 14

Covid 19 Prime Minister Jean Castex announces the lifting of the

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    The lifting of restrictions continues. Guest of the Journal de 13h de TF1, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the suspension of the vaccination pass and the end of wearing a mask indoors, with two exceptions.

    The schedule for the lifting of restrictions continues. On the set of the 1 p.m. newspaper of TF1, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the suspension of the vaccination pass and the end of the compulsory wearing of the mask indoors, except in two specific cases.

    “Suspension” of the vaccination pass

    From March 14, we will suspend the application of the vaccine pass in all places where it applies.. With these words, Prime Minister Jean Castex therefore announces the end of this tool promulgated on January 24, the date on which the health pass had become a vaccination pass. That said, the Prime Minister specifies that this new measure will apply to all places where it was requested such as restaurants, cinemas, stadiums, museums, bars, cafes… And nevertheless specifies that given the fragility of the people who reside there, hospitals, health establishments and other nursing homes will continue to be subject to the health pass, just like “the obligation of vaccination of caregivers”which remains in force.

    End of wearing a mask in closed places

    The second important announcement from Jean Castex concerns the wearing of the mask indoors. As is already the case in places subject to the vaccination pass since February 28, from March 14, the mask will no longer be compulsory in closed places, such as schools, businesses, shops… An exception still however: transport, because of the “promiscuity between the travelers” indicates the Prime Minister.

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    Green indicators

    The government and in particular Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, have always been clear about the lifting of the current restrictions: it would be conditional on the improvement of the figures linked to the health crisis, in particular the number of people hospitalized due to Covid. -19 and the tension of the resuscitation services. Since the beginning of March, the indicators have all been in the green. Indeed, the incidence rate is 585 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the hospital situation is improving, with 23,840 people hospitalized, including 2,329 in critical care.
