Covid 19: pregnant women too little vaccinated

Covid 19 pregnant women too little vaccinated

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    During this pandemic, the most vulnerable groups, including pregnant women, were able to benefit from the vaccines developed against the disease. However, there are still many who are not fully vaccinated.

    The health authorities are sounding the alarm in the face of this under-vaccination which concerns a fragile public. Indeed, according to the Medicines and Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM), which quotes figures from the scientific interest group EPI-PHARE: “As of January 6, 2022, 29.8% of pregnant women had not received any dose of vaccine against Covid-19. On the same date, the rate of pregnant women who had not received two doses reached 39.4%”.

    Pregnancy, a barrier to vaccination?

    However, as the authorities remind us “Being vaccinated is strongly recommended in this situation at risk of severe form” what is pregnancy. “The available studies have not shown any consequences of mRNA vaccines on the course of pregnancy. On the other hand, cases of severe form of Covid-19 in unvaccinated pregnant women have been reported, in France and elsewhere, some resulting in stays in critical care, with tracheal intubations and death of the mother during pregnancy. the ANSM press release insists again.

    More women in late pregnancy not vaccinated

    In its January 6 report, EPI-PHARE shows that “the rate of pregnant women who have not received any vaccine dose differs according to the trimester of pregnancy: it is much higher for women in their last trimester of pregnancy (41.7%) than for those in their first trimester of pregnancy ( 21.0%) or in the second (26.8%)”.

    Figures that suggest that there was a greater possibility for these women to be vaccinated before their pregnancy plans at the end of 2021 until spring 2021. Indeed, at that time, when the vaccination of pregnant women began, this the latter was then not recommended during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The report’s results also show less vaccination among the youngest and least socially advantaged women.

    Consult a GP online

    Identify factors hindering vaccination

    Since July 21, 2021, the Strategic Orientation Council for the Vaccine Strategy (COSV) has proposed that vaccination for pregnant women who wish to do so should be possible from the first trimester of pregnancy. Remember that since April 3, 2021, pregnant women, from the second trimester, have priority for access to vaccination with an mRNA vaccine.

    In collaboration with the State, the Health Insurance is strengthening the awareness-raising actions already in place to encourage future mothers to be vaccinated. This involves information disseminated on the Ameli account of women who reach the 4th month of pregnancy.

    Health Insurance reminds them of their possibility of being vaccinated and from the 6th month, an e-mail underlines the importance of this vaccination during pregnancy. Finally, for the 21,000 pregnant women who do not have an Ameli account, a standard letter will be sent to them.
