Covid-19 is not the only reason for the shrinkage of the genitals! Here are the reasons for the shrinkage of the genitals

Covid 19 is not the only reason for the shrinkage of

While many men dream of a larger genitalia, a recent incident has resonated around the world.

According to the claim of an American man in his 30s; He claimed that his genitals had shrunk by 2.54 cm after recovering from Covid-19. Some urologists made statements supporting the man’s claim. After this event, many questions came to mind. Experts said that the size of the genitals is variable. They warned that the only reason for the shrinkage of the genitals could be more than one reason, not Covid-19.


After aging, which is a natural flow of life, there will be some changes in the size of the genitals, like the rest of the body. As aging progresses, a decrease in the size of the genitals will also be observed. Sagging may also occur as the skin loses its elasticity. Meanwhile, the buildup of scar tissue from years of minor injuries during sexual intercourse or sports can cause shrinkage, Healthline reports.


Smoking has negative effects on the genitals, as in many other issues. According to Medical News Today, there are certain toxins in cigarettes that damage blood vessels in the genitals.

A 1998 study concluded that smoking impedes blood flow to your private parts and can therefore cause them to shrink over time.


All drugs come with unwanted side effects, but some are worse than others. Some medications used to treat prostate problems can also cause the genitals to shrink.


As your stomach grows, everything else begins to shrink… Weight gain is a concern for both men and women. Weight gain does not only change the appearance, but also brings many more health problems. Although weight gain seems to cause the genitals to shrink, it actually does not. It just looks that way, more like an optical illusion. The reason it looks a little shorter is because the erectile muscles are attached to your abdominal wall. So when your belly expands, your genitals pull inward.


Some men who have their prostate removed may experience shrinkage in their genitals. Experts don’t know exactly what causes this to happen, but one theory is that a man may experience muscle contraction after surgery, which can pull the organ further into his body.


Some men experience a condition called Peyronie’s disease, which causes the genitals to curve during an erection. It is completely normal for the genitals to have a slight curve when drawing attention. But men with Peyronie’s disease will have a pronounced curve that can cause pain. This condition can also cause a buildup of scar tissue, as mentioned above, which can block blood flow to the genitals and cause loss of size.


We continue to learn new findings every day about the coronavirus (Covid-19), which is affecting the world. A new claim has been made about Covid-19, which affects everything in the body, that the genitals have become smaller the other day. Experts said the shrinking genitalia as a symptom of prolonged Covid is most likely a result of erectile dysfunction caused by virus infection.

When the virus enters the endothelial cells of blood vessels found in Covid-19, it can block proper blood flow. In a study conducted at King’s College London, 3.2 percent of men with long-term Covid-19 patients reported that their penis had shrunk.

