Covid-19: hospitalizations down 26% compared to last week

Covid 19 hospitalizations down 26 compared to last week

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    The circulation of the coronavirus continues to slow down on French territory. According to the latest report from Public Health France, the number of hospitalizations is also down.

    While the Covid-19 has made us see all the colors for three years, the ninth wave seems to be easing. The number of emergency visits and hospitalizations has dropped over the past seven days.

    Covid and hospitalization: – 25% critical care admissions

    Over the past week, the circulation of Covid-19 has generally slowed down. This slowdown affected all age groups and metropolitan regions, according to the latest report from the French public health agency.

    Thus, as of December 29, 7,106 new hospitalizations were recorded (i.e. -26% compared to last week) and 626 admissions to critical care services were notified (i.e. a drop of -25%).

    The number of deaths occurring in hospitals or in medico-social establishments and services also fell: – 8% over the past week.

    In the past 24 hours, 445 emergency visits for suspected Covid-19 have also been observed. That is a drop of – 48% over the last 7 days.

    Despite these encouraging figures, the government remains on its guard.

    On Wednesday, the Minister of Health François Braun spoke of a “sweek of all dangers” for health services, which has to deal with a triple epidemic – Covid, flu and bronchiolitis – and the strike of caregivers.

    The strike of general practitioners is unwelcome in this period of extreme difficulty for the health system“, he thus confided this Wednesday while visiting the hospital in Annecy, in Haute-Savoie. “I do not question the right to strike of doctors but it is a very bad period“, he continues, “it’s not the right time“.

    The Minister of Health nevertheless wants to be reassuring: “The system manages to hold“.

    At the same time, the government reiterated its calls for anti-flu and anti-Covid vaccination for fragile people, especially the elderly.

    The French are also invited to respect barrier gestures such as wearing a mask in closed and/or frequented places.
