Hospitalization rates have decreased in Haldimand-Norfolk while the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 remains the same.
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The in-patient occupancy rate was at 89.1 per cent before decreasing to 87.1 per cent while the ICU rate was at 80 per cent but it has declined to 60 per cent.
The noted occupancy rates are current as of Tuesday. The HNHU’s website only provided data up to that date with the health unit noting that occupancy data lags by approximately 48 hours.
Capacities are based on the percentage of beds that are full at any time, regardless of the reason for admission. There are 164 in-patient beds at Haldimand-Norfolk’s three hospitals and 10 ICU beds.
The number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 refers to local residents who were admitted due to COVID-19.
The Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit reported Thursday that there are currently 16 people receiving care in the area’s three local hospitals, with four of those patients in intensive care units. That is the same number as Wednesday.
The HNHU was reporting Thursday 29 new COVID-19 cases over the past 24 hours, although health officials have said the number is more than likely higher due to limited testing.
As of Thursday there were two outbreaks in the area with one in a retirement home and one in a long-term care home. That’s the same number that was reported previously.
There have now been 68 deaths recorded in the area since the pandemic began in March of 2020 and 14 other people who tested positive but died from complications attributed to other illnesses.
The HNHU has administered 199,219 doses of the vaccine and there are now 66,877 people who have completed their vaccine series. There have also been 28,760 booster doses administered.
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The total number of doses administered in Haldimand-Norfolk is 235,328. Some residents of the area have received a dose outside of the HNHU.
The percentage of people aged five and older who are fully vaccinated sits at 78.5 per cent and at 81.7 per cent for those who have received at least one dose of the vaccine. There is 18.3 per cent of the population who is unvaccinated.
The health unit notes that data on vaccinations can be delayed up to 48 hours.
Walk-in vaccine clinics are now being offered for those aged 12 and older Monday through Friday at the Norfolk General Hospital from 10 am to 2 pm
GO-VAXX will also offer a mobile clinic at Hagersville No Frills (160 Main St. S.) on Thursday from noon to 7 pm Appointments must be made.
GO-VAXX indoor clinics are also being offered Fridays in February at Dunnville Lifespan Center (275 Ramsey Dr.) from 10 am to 2 pm (Pfizer) and 2 to 3 pm (Moderna).
Visit hnhu.org/popup to book an appointment at one of the above clinics.
The health unit is also providing special theme clinics for children.
Themes, dates and times:
Teddy Bear Vaccinations: Culver St. Clinic, Simcoe. Feb. 24, 9:30 am-3:45 pm (for children with needle-phobias or interested in medical professions)
Super Hero Day: St. Patrick’s School, Caledonia, Feb. 25, 4pm-7pm (with a special guest)
Those who can’t get to a vaccine clinic can call 519-427-5903 to request free transportation.
There is also a homebound service for individuals who have difficulty leaving their homes. This program involves two healthcare professionals visiting homes and administering first and second doses in Haldimand and Norfolk.
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Visit www.hnhu.org/homeboundvax or call 519-427-5903 for more information on the program.
Visit www.hnhu.org/covid19vaccine/ for more information and for full details about vaccine rollout in Haldimand and Norfolk counties and covid-19.ontario.ca/ for more information on the rollout in Ontario.
The Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board and Grand Erie District School Board are reporting the percentage of absences for students and staff at each of its schools. The numbers are based on those who attend in-person learning.
Visit tinyurl.com/5n9ajcnw for the full list of BHNCDSB schools and absences.granderie.ca/ for the full list of GEDSB schools.
On Thursday, Public Health Ontario reported 1,066 people in hospital, down from 1,342 one week ago. Of those in hospital, 302 are in intensive care compared to 356 one week ago.
The province reported 41 deaths on Thursday and there have now been 12,347 deaths since the pandemic began in March of 2020.
There were 2,404 confirmed cases in the province reported Thursday, however, that number is likely underreported because of limited testing.
Almost 90 per cent of Ontarians aged five and older have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, 85 per cent have received two doses and 49 per cent have received three doses.