Covid-19: China creates a very reliable and ultra-fast screening test

This new Covid 19 screening test developed by China is very

Since the start of the pandemic, none of the tests, whether PCR, antigen, saliva or self-test, have combined two essential properties to massively contain the Covid-19 virus: speed and reliability of results. However, Chinese researchers claim to have developed a new test, with high sensitivity and which gives a result in less than four minutes.

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Chinese scientists have devised a new method of screening of the coronavirus, as reliable as a PCR test in the laboratory and which gives a result in a few minutes. The tests PCR are currently the norm in the world in matter testing for Covid-19, but the results usually take several hours. Researchers at the prestigious Chinese Fudan University in Shanghai, however, seem to have found an alternative.

In an article published Monday in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineeringthe team claims to have developed a sensor which uses microelectronics to analyze samples DNA collected by swab. The sensor, connected to a portable machine, makes it possible to obtain a result in “less than four minutes”, assure its designers. This terminal has “high sensitivity” and can easily be taken anywhere. To test the device researchers, samples were taken from 33 people infected with the coronavirus.

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PCR tests were carried out in parallel in order to be able to compare the two methods. According to the article, all the results obtained by the two devices were identical. The tests carried out with the new device involved a total of 54 samples, including those of people with fever but who did not have Covid-19, patients with flu and healthy volunteers.

The Fudan University researchers said that once developed, their device could be used in a variety of situations, including airports, hospitals, and “even at home “. Apart from being slow, PCR tests require infrastructure and laboratories that many developing countries have only in limited supply. This constitutes an obstacle to detection. From self-tests Rapids also exist, but they are considered less reliable.

China is one of the world’s largest producers of PCR tests. It exported in December for a total value of 1.6 billion dollars (1.4 billion euros), an increase of 144% over one month, according to Chinese customs.

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