Covid-19: beware of the “rebound” of the epidemic, warns Olivier Véran

Covid 19 beware of the rebound of the epidemic warns Olivier

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    Passing through Isère accompanied by Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran took the opportunity to take stock of the epidemic situation linked to Covid-19.

    While the number of Covid-19 cases has risen slightly in recent days, Olivier Véran, visiting an nursing home in Isère, warns of a “rebound” in the epidemic and reminds for the most fragile “the need to continue to protect“.

    “20% increase” but fewer hospitalizations

    We are currently seeing a rebound, in France, in the countries around us, that is to say that the Covid is no longer falling, it is even increasing. In view of the latest figures from yesterday, it is a 20% increase” announced Olivier Véran today. “On the other hand, the hospital load continues to drop but the pace of this decrease has started to slow down, so we are extremely vigilant” continued the Minister of Health.

    Indeed, according to figures from Public Health France, positive cases of Covid-19 amounted to 74,818 last night, Thursday March 10, against 60,225 a week ago. Critical care has 1,928 patients against 2,231 the previous Thursday. A drop in hospitalizations therefore but a rebound in the number of cases.

    The end of the vaccination pass still recorded

    Despite this alert, the Minister of Health does not question the lifting of restrictions which is due to take place on March 14. “We will be on Monday in the objectives that we had set ourselves, so there is no difficulty in going to the end of the process of the end of the vaccination pass and the end of the mask, except in transport “said the Minister of Health.

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    Towards a 4th dose of mandatory vaccine?

    The question comes up repeatedly. Will we be entitled to a fourth dose of vaccine? There is no question of making it compulsory or of linking it to obtaining the vaccination pass, but for the minister, the question arises. “We do not have the return for the moment from the scientific authorities but it could seem coherent to open this 4th dose to fragile people “ he believes. Olivier Véran has thus asked the High Authority for Health (HAS) to look into this question, a body whose president he met yesterday, Thursday.

    Finally, Olivier Véran assures that if this fourth dose sees the light of day, there will be no supply problem and assures that the stocks of vaccines are good, to date.
