Covid-19 and school: the lighter protocol after school holidays

Covid 19 and school the lighter protocol after school holidays

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    In each zone, the anti-Covid health protocol in schools will be lightened. The wearing of the mask will be removed during the playground and the number of self-tests for children in contact cases too.

    The health situation in the general and school population is in very marked improvement, declared Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, after a meeting with union representatives.

    This is why the Ministry of Education has decided to lighten the sanitary measures in schools as soon as the first pupils return from vacation, i.e.: February 21 for zone B, February 28 for zone A and March 7 for zone C.

    Primary schools will thus move from a level 3 to level 2 health protocol for all establishments in mainland France upon returning from the winter holidays.

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    No more masks in the playground

    Here is what changes:

    • Elementary school students and staff will no longer have to wear masks outdoors;
    • Students will be able to mix with others at the same level outside their class, especially for meal times.
    • It will also be possible to play sports indoors without wearing a mask;
    • Only the mask must be worn in enclosed spaces for the moment;
    • The number of self-tests or antigenic tests requested for pupils with contact cases will be only one, on D2, instead of three currently on D0, D2 and D4 from February 28, i.e. four weeks after the epidemic peak;
    • Parents of students will no longer need to make sworn statements attesting to their achievement from February 21.
