Aalanna Ramona Rusnak of Courtland will soon be competing on the biggest pageant stage of her life.
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Not provincial, not national, this time the Norfolk County teen will be competing internationally in Miss Teen Mundial, a week-long world pageant that concludes Sept. 30 in Curacao.
“I feel confident in myself and I’m just going in with the mindset that… no matter the outcome, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’m just proud to say I’ve had this opportunity.
“That’s always been my outlook,” said Rusnak, also proud to have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be Miss Teenage Canada.
“I am very grateful that I can say I was Miss Teenage Canada, and for all the doors it’s opened up for me. This past year I’ve done a lot of fashions shows. I’ve really plugged into modeling, and obviously this title has allowed me to become more involved within my community. It’s given me a platform to spread awareness about overall mental health and self-love for all.”
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Rusnak gave up her title – but not her tiara – on July 29, crowning her 2023-24 Miss Teenage Canada successor at an emotional gala ceremony in Richmond Hill.
“I think the new winner is a great fit.”
Rusnak can look back on a fulfilling and extremely busy year. Not only was she modeling, figure skating, attending community events and festivals like the CNE, Norfolk Fair and Tillsonburg Turtlefest, and meeting all levels of dignitaries, she was completing her final year at Glendale High School.
“I was really focused on my grades this year.”
Now entering her first year of Information and Media Studies at Western University, Rusnak earned a Faculty Entrance Scholarship (National Scholarship Program) recognizing ‘all-around scholastic and extra-curricular excellence’ from a field of 700 applicants.
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The next door opening for Rusnak is a big one – the opportunity to represent Canada internationally in Curacao, a Dutch Caribbean island about 65 km north of the Venezuela coast – and she is seeking local business and service club sponsors to help support her journey. She can be reached by email at
“Anything helps,” she smiled, thanking her sponsors which include Coward Pharmacy (silver sponsor) and McClay Transportation (gold sponsor).
If you would like to follow Rusnak’s Miss Teen Mundial experiences, visit her Instagram account @aalannarusnak.
Considered one of the most prestigious teen pageants in the world, last year’s pageant in El Salvador included participants from 29 nations including Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Curacao, Chile, Bonaire, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Venezuela, Peru, India and USA. The 2022 Canadian representative was a Top 16 quarter-finalist.
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With a year to prepare for the one-week pageant, Rusnak has been stocking her wardrobe with new gowns, pieces and day outfits.
“The wardrobe is a big part of it – you want to look your best – and a lot of these girls come ‘dressed to the nines’ every day.”
That means ‘full hair and makeup’ at breakfast, glammed up even if it’s 7 am
When she arrives in Curacao, she will be dressed head to foot in blue-and-yellow, a ‘bedazzled’ jumpsuit honoring the host nation’s colors. She is also bringing a national costume that will represent Canada’s diversity.
“There’s a lot going on that week – the evening gown walk, swimsuits, the private interview with judges and the on-stage questionnaire. I’m going to be meeting the governor, government officials, and people from all over the world.”
A contestant’s behavior and overall impression factors into scores, but Rusnak said she is not feeling any pressure.
“My (Miss Teenage Canada) organization, Pageant Group Canada, is always very supportive and there is no pressure from them, they try to be as helpful as possible, so I appreciate that,” said Rusnak.
Neither does she put pressure on herself.
“Anything I’ve gone into in my life, whether it’s public speaking, figure skating, running cross-country, I’ve never gone in with a fear of failing. Just to be there is a great experience.”
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