Court: The EU Commission did not provide enough information about the content of the corona vaccine contracts | News in brief

The EU Commission signed agreements with pharmaceutical companies to procure corona vaccines for EU countries. A group of MEPs demanded to review the terms of the agreement.

The General Court of the EU says that the EU Commission did not make public enough of the content of the contracts for the purchase of corona vaccines.

In 2020 and 2021, the EU Commission signed several important agreements with pharmaceutical companies to ensure the supply of vaccines to EU countries.

A group of MEPs demanded to be able to review the contract terms, but the Commission only offered them partial access to the content of the contracts. The Commission justified the matter by saying that it wanted to protect the parties’ commercial interests and the decision-making process.

The group took the case to court in 2021.

According to the General Court, the EU Commission has not been able to prove that the opening of certain contract clauses would have jeopardized the interests of the companies involved.

Sources: Reuters, AP
