Court: Right to close Scientology school

Court Right to close Scientology school



full screen The Administrative Court rejects the appeal from a school with Scientology connections that was closed by the School Inspectorate. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

It was the right of the School Inspectorate to close a primary school in Stockholm with connections to the Church of Scientology. It is now established in a judgment from the administrative court.

The study school, which was run by the Association of Active Studies, was closed following a decision by the School Inspectorate in May last year.

The authority considered that the study technique used in the school did not rest on a scientific basis. In addition, the way of working meant that the students were “one-sidedly influenced in favor of the view of Scientology”, according to the decision to close.

The association appealed the decision. But the administrative law gives the School Inspectorate the right.

The school’s management is deemed not to have sufficient knowledge of which rules apply to running a school.

“The deficiencies that have emerged are serious and concern central parts of the education,” says judge Håkan Åberg in a press release from the administrative court in Stockholm.
