(Finance) – L ‘Magistrates Association from the Court of Auditors He asked the presidents of Senate and the Chamber to make sure that the reform of the Court of Auditors proceeds with a shared path and increasingly ensure an effective check on how citizens’ money is spent. During the press conference, the Association warned that the reform Now upon examination of the Chamber “he risks canceling a fundamental control of control over the use of public funds”.
“We would have expected greater listening to our requests, as we had been ensured at the beginning of the parliamentary process of the Foti bill – said the president of the Association, Paola Briguori – And instead there was no real listening. For this, we have addressed an appeal to the President of the Senate and the President of the Chamber asking that the reform, currently under discussion of the commissions justice and constitutional affairs, does not delete the role of the accounting judiciary as an impartial guarantor of the correct management of public resources, taking up the words that the head of the state had pronounced a few months ago “.
“The paradox – underlined the accounting magistrates – is that a reform that would like to increase the performance and the productivity of the Court, instead leads to a weakening of the controls on the financial balance of the State and territorial bodies, according to the principles of legality, efficiency and economy “.