Court of Accounts: two days in Palermo on “Justice at the Service of the Country”

Court of Accounts two days in Palermo on Justice at

(Finance) – The Italian and European supreme courts are meeting in Palermo for two days of meetings and debates organized by the Court of Auditors to deal with politics, academia and the forensic world. An all-round reflection on justice, to reiterate that this is nothing more than one of the fundamental public services provided to citizens and businesses, that is to say the country-system. The conference, entitled “Justice at the Service of the Country”, it will be held in October at Palazzo Sclafani (piazza San Giovanni Decollato, 2).

Three sessions and as many round tables scheduled. Beginning on 12 October (9.30), after the institutional greetings, the President of the Court of Auditors Guido Carlino will open the proceedings. The discussion on “The accounting judiciary guarantees the good performance of the Public Administration” will follow. At 2.00 pm the second session on “The administrative judiciary in the relationship between public power, citizens and businesses”, chaired and introduced by President of the Council of State Luigi Maruotti. The third and last one will take place on Friday 13th (10 am) on “The ordinary judiciary guarantor of rights for the development of the country-system”. To preside and introduce will be the first president of the Cassation, Margherita Cassano.

At the end of each session, planned, speeches and reports, among others, of Silvana Sciarra, Luigi Salvato, Angelo Canale, Tommaso Miele, Biagio Mazzotta, Gabriella Palmieri Sandulli, Giovanni Pitruzzella, Gabriele Carlotti, Fabio Pinelli.
