Couple: do you know the “black cat” energy that breathes enigma and power into your relationship?

Couple do you know the black cat energy that breathes

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    Popularized on TikTok, the “Black cat and Golden retriever” theory emphasizes one fact: to function, a couple (straight at least) must be complementary in terms of the energies released by each other. In women, black cat energy would bring the right amount of confidence and independence to a balanced couple. Explanations.

    Is your relationship likely to work? Yes, if you answer the Black cat and Golden Retriever theory, according to Tik Tok. Beneath these curious animal names hides an ideal complementarity: the “Golden retriever” man would be a reliable, caring and emotionally available boyfriend, while the “Black cat” woman would be a confident, independent and a bit mysterious woman.

    Does black cat energy represent you?, the premium dating site, wondered about this “Black cat” energy, its impact on relationships and how it is possible to embody it. With a first question: are you black cat? According to the site, this energy is characterized by several points:

    • The black cat woman is independent: women who possess this energy are autonomous and self-sufficient. They don’t need a partner to feel complete or accomplished. They make decisions for themselves without constantly seeking approval from others;
    • She is mysterious. She retains an element of mystery and does not reveal everything about herself which makes her fascinating. She knows how to dose the information she shares, thus creating an aura of mystery around her person;
    • She is confident : women who are endowed with black cat energy know their worth and do not doubt their abilities. This confidence is reflected in their posture, body language and manner of expression;
    • She is selective : These women are selective about who they give their time and attention to. They are not easily influenced by superficial flattery and choose their partners and friends carefully, prioritizing the quality of interactions;
    • She may be emotionally detached : a certain emotional detachment allows women with this energy to not let themselves be overwhelmed by the emotions of others. They can thus maintain a clear and objective vision of situations.

    Why is this energy powerful?

    Black cat energy is powerful because it combines elements of mystery and trust that naturally attract attention and respect. Women who embody this energy are seen as strong, intriguing, attractive, sometimes even intimidating. They often inspire lasting fascination, because they seem elusive and difficult to conquer. “We often wonder how some women exercise this power of magnetic seduction, how they seem to effortlessly attract quality partners, how are they wooed without seeming to put in as much effort as others – it certainly is this Black cat energy” indicates the site.

    Particularly within the couple, this energy would play an important role, even more so if it is tempered by a “Golden retriever” man.

    • The mystery and independence of the “Black cat” keeps the partner interested, because there is always something new to discover;
    • By being independent and confident, the “Black cat” also creates balance in the relationship. The partner feels valued for their dedication and loyalty, while the “Black cat” maintains their individuality;
    • Both partners respect and appreciate each other’s unique qualities, which strengthens their connection and commitment.

    Good news, if you feel more poodle than black cat on a daily basis, all is not lost. Everything is a matter of perspective. So, to access black cat energy, certain changes need to be considered. According to experts, it is above all a matter of avoiding jealousy, envy and insecurity. And to repeat to yourself as much as possible that you are enough for yourself. And the way to achieve this would be to start by being selective about who you give your love and attention to, in order to maintain your independence.

    “Black cat energy is a powerful and attractive force, which would attract quality partners and establish lasting relationships. By embracing this energy, women can not only strengthen their own confidence and independence, but also create relational dynamics where they are admired and appreciated for their true value, whether in personal or professional life, the energy of the “Black cat” is a valuable asset for navigating the world with confidence. underlines Emma Hathorn, dating expert for
