County of Brant shows support for health unit merger

At an administration and operations committee meeting on Tuesday, the County of Brant affirmed its support for a planned union between the local health unit and the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit.

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The move comes a week after the City of Brantford, also represented by Brant County Health Unit (BCHU), asked staff to look into the possibility of embedding the public health unit in that municipality.

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BCHU announced its plans to move forward with a voluntary merger with HNHU in April — following a feasibility study and vote in favor by both boards of health.

Last week, Coun. Dan McCreary, one of the City of Brantford’s representatives on the board of health, expressed concerns that the city’s urban health issues would take a back seat to rural issues post-merger.

On May 28, Brantford council will make a final decision about whether or not the city will pursue embedding further.

A business case to bring the unit in-house requires support from the county and health unit, both of which have indicated their desire for the amalgamation with Haldimand-Norfolk.

Celeste Percy-Beauregard is a Local Journalism Initiative Reporter based at the Hamilton Spectator. The initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.

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