country’s richest man, Sam Matekane, sworn in as prime minister

countrys richest man Sam Matekane sworn in as prime minister

Millionaire Sam Matekane becomes Prime Minister of Lesotho in a ceremony on Friday October 28 in the capital Maseru. His party, the Revolution for Prosperity (RFP), created in March, emerged largely victorious from the legislative elections of October 7. This businessman, new to politics, has already left his mark on the small constitutional monarchy and has formed a coalition with two other parties to achieve an absolute majority and be able to govern.

With our regional correspondent, Roman Song

Before becoming Prime Minister, Sam Matekane was initially the richest man in Lesotho, so rich that he planned not to pay himself a salary: “ He’s not here for that, he doesn’t need it “, remarked his spokesperson. The voters voted for him hoping that it does not steal from the public coffers.

But the ” crates are empty “, tells us the entourage of Sam Matekane: this is why he finances the ceremony of his investiture himself. Thanks to his contacts, he also found luxury cars for the 150 guests of honor. He donated his helicopter to the police, who will have to monitor an event where at least six heads of state and representatives of the sub-region are expected, including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa.

After the party, Sam Matekane will have to get to work: he promises an austerity cure for bail out government coffers. For this, he must surround himself with 15 ministers, against thirty during the last term. As the name of his party suggests, Sam Matekane promises a Prosperity Revolution.

Read also: Lesotho: a popular king, but with limited power
