countries call “to involve all parties” – L’Express

countries call to involve all parties – LExpress

The summit for peace in Ukraine, which ends this Sunday, June 16 in Switzerland, reached a joint declaration supported by the vast majority of the hundred or so participants. It calls “to involve all parties” to the conflict to put an end to hostilities, and reaffirms “the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all States, including Ukraine”. But recognizes that Moscow will have to be part of the discussions to achieve “a lasting and just peace”.

The absence of Russia – which continued to denigrate the meeting and which was therefore not invited by the Swiss hosts – was however deplored by several of the participants in this summit, notably Saudi Arabia or even Kenya.

Information to remember

⇒ Ukraine peace summit calls for “involving all parties”

⇒ Ukraine’s position “is getting worse on the front” according to the Kremlin

⇒ Norway announces $103 million in aid

Ukraine should ‘think’ about Putin’s proposal, Kremlin says

The Kremlin said this Sunday that Ukraine should “reflect” on the peace proposal recently formulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, because the situation on the front is “getting worse” for Ukrainian forces. “The current dynamics of the situation on the front clearly shows us that it will continue to get worse for Ukrainians. It is likely that a politician who places the interests of the homeland above his own and those of his masters would consider such a proposal,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

READ ALSO: “Send a clear message to Putin”: Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s six proposals to help Ukraine

Putin proposed on Friday a ceasefire and the opening of peace negotiations with Ukraine, on two conditions: the withdrawal of kyiv’s troops from four regions that Moscow partially occupies and the renunciation of its plan to join NATO. For his part, Volodymyr Zelensky promised to make peace proposals to Russia once they are validated by the international community, within the framework of the summit on Ukraine in Switzerland to which Russia was not invited, this June 15 and 16.

Norway announces $103 million in aid to the energy sector

Norway assured this Sunday that it would provide 1.1 billion crowns ($103 million) to Ukraine to help it repair its energy infrastructure and ensure the country’s electricity supply before next winter .

READ ALSO: War in Ukraine: “The Russians know perfectly well where to strike our energy installations”

“Russia is carrying out massive and systematic attacks to paralyze the electricity network but the Ukrainians are working day and night to maintain the essential supply of electricity to the population,” greeted Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, quoted in a press release. According to the latest estimates from the Ukrainian government, Russian bombing of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has led to the country’s electricity production being halved since the winter.

Russia claims capture of new village

Russia claimed this Sunday the capture of a new village in southern Ukraine, continuing its slow progress on the front facing a Ukrainian army lacking men and ammunition. “Units of the Eastern force grouping liberated the settlement of Zagirne in the Zaporizhia region and occupied more favorable positions,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in its daily report.

The Russian army has been gaining ground for months in Ukraine, particularly in the East, without however achieving a real breakthrough. Before Zagirné, it had claimed this week the capture of three villages in the east, south and north-east of Ukraine.
