Councilors call for a review of municipal-provincial roles

City council is joining the chorus of those calling for a review of municipal and provincial responsibilities.

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“It’s time for the province to start discussions with Ontario municipalities so that each level of government is responsible for those services that are most appropriate given our ability to pay,” Mayor Kevin Davis said at a recent city council committee meeting.

Davis said it has been 25 years since the province and municipalities last considered who would provide and pay for a range of services.

At that time, the responsibility for housing was passed to municipalities from the provincial government. At the same time, municipalities were also required to take on a significant portion of the costs of paramedic services and public health through the Brant County Health Unit, Davis said.

Those decision by the province passed the responsibilities and expenditures for services that Davis said ought not to be borne by municipal taxpayers.

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Coun. Richard Carpenter said a review of which level of government does what is long overdue and needs to include the voices of all involved.

“Local governments should be paying for local roads and services,” Carpenter said.

Councilors have recommended for approval a resolution calling for the province to undertake a review to promote the stability and sustainability of municipal finances across the province with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.

According to the resolution, nearly one-third of municipal spending is for services in areas of provincial responsibility. Moreover, those expenditures are outpacing provincial contributions province-wide by almost $4 billion annually.

The resolution also states, municipalities are being asked to take on complex health and social challenges including homelessness, supporting asylum seekers and addressing the mental health and addictions crisis.

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