Councilors approve 15-member council option in principle

Chatham-Kent councilors decided to pursue the middle-of-the-road option — in principle — with respect to trimming the size of council Monday night.

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Council voted down a consultant’s preferred option of 13 members, including the mayor, and instead consider 15 members.

However, the decision is not final, as a report will return in the new year. This will include a consultant review on ward boundaries for that particular number of representatives, as well as looking into the possibility of an at-large urban ward for Chatham, which is a change from the recommendation.

West Kent Coun. Melissa Harrigan entered the initial motion to consider 13 councillors. After that fell in a 7-10 vote, she put forth 15 members, which passed 10-7.

The other option StrategyCorp had proposed included keeping the status quo of 18 around the council horseshoe.

The consultant said the aim was to deliver effective representation, improve voting parity and create boundaries that respect community of interest, prominent physical features and patterns of transportation and communication.

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In October, councilors voted to seek options for a 13- to 15-member council, including the mayor, and the 18-member status quo. An update was provided in November, along with further public consultations.

Previous councils, including in 2015, discussed changing ward boundaries and council numbers, but stuck with the status quo. In 2011, council voted down proposed boundary changes after a governance task force considered the issue.

North Kent Coun. Rhonda Jubenville, who led the push this year to kickstart the review, cited the 13-member Greater Sudbury council as an example of ideal size.

To view the report and its recommendations, visit

This story will be updated.

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