Chatham-Kent council will consider Monday night an $8.7-million tender for large-scale rehabilitation project on Wallaceburg’s Dufferin Avenue.

Chatham-Kent council will consider Monday night an $8.7-million tender for large-scale rehabilitation project on Wallaceburg’s Dufferin Avenue.
If approved, Arlona’s Birnam Excavating Ltd. would do the work on the stretch between McNaughton Avenue and Wallaceburg’s western limits.
Chatham-Kent won $3 million in provincial Connecting Links funding for the project last year.
The program covers up to 90 per cent of eligible project costs or $3 million per road project, whichever is lower, and up to $5 million for bridge projects.
The Connecting Links program helps municipalities repair designated municipal roads and bridges linking two ends of a provincial highway through a community, or to a border crossing.
The municipal had sought program funding for the project twice before, in 2017-18 and 2021-22, without success.
Construction costs have risen since, a staff report said.
“Due to contributing factors resulting from inflation, supply and demand pressures and various changes in construction regulations, the construction industry is experiencing an overall increase in costs for goods and services,” it said.
“This is reflected in the unit prices that are being submitted and resulted in an overall increase for this tender as compared to similar tenders issued in 2022.”
According to the report, the rehabilitation work will include:
- Replacing water main, water services and fire hydrants from Arnold Street to western limits and improving water main at Dufferin and McNaughton avenues
- Installing new storm sewer from Dauw Avenue to Arnold Street for future storm expansion on Arnold
- Fully replacing curbs from Arnold Street to western limits and partly replacing curbs from Arnold to McNaughton
- Rehabilitating catch basins and maintenance holes
- Installing new sidewalks on north side of Dufferin from Bruinsma Avenue to western limits, and partly replacing sidewalks throughout the site based on condition
- Upgrading traffic signals and intersection
- Rehabilitating paving using cold-in-place recycling
- Grading and restoring boulevards in all areas affected by construction.
Construction is expected to begin in June and wrap up by November, with restoration works finished in spring 2024, staff added.
Two lanes of traffic on Dufferin and access to all properties and businesses will be maintained at all times during the work.
Project details will be communicated to the public via the Let’s Talk CK webpage.
Directly affected property owners will receive a letter before construction informing them of the project, including frequently asked questions and contact information for the contractor, consultant and municipality.
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