Tax Levy Increase to Increase by Nearly $ 6 million.

Stratford Councillors Finully Approved the City’s 2025 Budget, Settling on 5.46 per cent Property Tax Increase That Would Add An Of Average Of $ 309 per Home to the Tax Bill, based on 2016 Assessed Value of $ 350,000.
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However, The City’s Director of Cooperate Services, Karmen Krueger, Said this Increase May Change Sale Council Could Make Tweaks to the Final Tax Levy Based On Property Type. Final Approval of the City’s 2025 Tax Policy is expected in oven to six weekends, Krueger Said in a tuesday email.
In Total, The City’s 2025 Levy is $ 86.038.828Which is just shy of a $ 6 million INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR.
The 5.46 per cent Increase is Slightly Higher than the 5.39 PER Cent proposed before Going Into the Meeting, But Council Opted to Add A New Community Energy Position Following A Motion by Coun. Bonnie Henderson and Seconded by Coun. JA-DEE BURBACH.
“We have a lot of other emergencies to think about, but climate is definitely one that’s top of mind for a lot of people in the community. Burbach Said.
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Burbach also noted the position WOULD HELP SAVE THE PUBLIC MONEY IN THE LONG TERM While HELPING TO DO “Good Things for the Climate,” Such as Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emission
The link position WOULD Be a Two-Year Pilot at a cost of $ 100.650 for Salary and Benefits, $ 4,200 for Equipment in the First Year, and $ 2.700 in Future Costs, with Roughly $ 54,000 of That include in Next Year’s Budget. However, 70 per hundred of the cost of the position will come from Federal Funding.
Even with this Senior Government Funding, coun. Mark Hunter Did not see the need for the role, questioning How “This connects with Changing the Planet.”
“The Most Comelling Argument I HEARD WAS HELPING PEOPLE FIND FEDERAL OR Provincial Programs that can offset the cost of with renovations or that they do. And Maybe I May be biased, but in my experience, that of that do that kinder aware of advanceable, ”he said.
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In a Récorded voting, Only Hunter and Coun. LESLEY BIEHN WRE OPPOSED TO ADDING THE POST.
In A Last-Minute Bid to Look for Savings, coun. CODY SEBBEN BRAGHT FORWARD A NUMBER OF MOTIONS TO Remove Additional Positions and Costs from the Budget that He Said Added Up To $ 1.1 Million in Expensures, or More Than One One PER CHILD Thesis proposes cucs included $ 150,000 to destination Stratford for its annual lights on stratford programming, as well as plumbing and electrician positions.
“WE NEED A BUDGE that asks people to pay as little an increase as possible with every additional dollar asked of them, matched by every possible effort to avoid it if we do not have a budget with every household in mind, include the ones whoes who Simply Can’t Afford A $ 300 Increase. In my view, we do not have a budget that is in line with the reality of our residents, ”he said.
In Another Recorded Voting that Ended 7-4 in Favour of Apping the Budget, Sebben was joined by Mayor Martin Ritsma, Biehn and Geza Wordofa.