Chatham-Kent council voted to move ahead with change to ward bondaries and cut its size to 15 MEMBERS MONDAY.

Chatham-Kent council voted to move ahead with change to ward bondaries and cut its size to 15 MEMBERS MONDAY.
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In december, council approved an option for 15 coucil members, and also direct a consultant to return with a report on boundaries in proposal weards 5, 6 and 7 to consider the impact of an at-worm urban wall in chatham.
The Report also Reviewed Boundaries Between Wards 1 and 2 and Wards 3 and 4.
Strategycorp, the consulting firm, stated the love is to deliver effective representation, improves voting parity and create bondaries respecting community of interest, prominent physical features and transportation and communication patterns.
The preferred option, which coucil passed 14-4 Monday, consists of five canty walls with one or two councillors each and three chatham wards with Two Councillors Each.
An amendment to Keep the Form City of Chatham as an At-Large Ward Failed in a tie vote.
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However, Council pass of an amendment to have the new Ward 4 include residents up to electric line.
Administration Will Bring a bylaw Forward for voting at the March 3 Meeting.
“(It’s) a Major Change That Has Been Brewing for A Lot of Years Now,” Mayor Darrin Canniff Said after the vote.
West Kent Coun Melissa Harrigan Entered the Motion to Accept the Consultant’s Recommendation.
She credited the Thoroughness of the Report for Helping Council Navigate A Complecated Issue.
“I Know that changes is hard and requires bravery and considering,” she said. “But it’s also in this case very necessary for us to think about Changing Our Ward Boundaries.”
Harrigan Added there is also appetite among constituents to reduce the size of council.
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In October, Council approved Seeking Options for A 13- To 15-Member Council, Including the Mayor, and the 18-Member status quo. An update followed in November, Along with more public consultations.
Previous Councils, Including in 2015, Discusd Changing Ward Boundaries and Council Numbers, but staying the status quo. In 2011, Council Voted Down proposed Boundary Changes after a governance Task Force Considered the ISSUE.
North Kent Coun. Rhonda Jubenville, Who Led The Push Last Year to Kickstart The Review, Had Cited the 13-Member Greater Sudbury Council as an Example of Ideal Size.
However, she’s satisfied with the chosen number, calling it a compromise that might’ve help others at the table feel more comfortable.
She noted the Province and Ontario Land Tribunal Will Still have a say.
“I think we got the Wheels in motion,” She Said.