To help meet provincial targets, chatham-kent counécillors approved an organic waste diversion program Monday Night.

To help meet provincial targets, chatham-kent counécillors approved an organic waste diversion program Monday Night.
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The Recommended Program Includes A Backyard Composte Program, Standardized Curbside Leaf and Yard Waste Collection Program, and A Pilot Depot Food Waste Digester.
Capital Costs Estimated at Nearly $ 4.3 million will be Funded from the Multi-Year, One-Time Budget and Multiple Reserve, According to Staff Report.
Operating Costs Estimated AT Nearly $ 2.2 million annually will be Funded from General Tax Levy ($ 49,900) and Area-Rated Tax Levy ($ 2,109.031).
Under the Province’s Food and Organic Waste Policy Stament, Chatham-Kent Must Reduce Organic Waste by 50 per cent in Urban Settlements.
“We’ve been working on this since 2023,” Public Works Director Ryan Brown Told Council. “We’ve also Been Doing Active Public Committee on the CK Let’s Talk Page, as well as in-person at our transfer stations, Polling Residents.”
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The Following Full-Time, Permanent Positions Also Were Approved, Effective January 2027:
- Seven Waste Collector/Equipment Operators (Seven Full-Time Equivalents)
- One Dispatch Position
- One Supervisor II, Operations
The Contract Waste Management Project Manager was approved as permanent, Effective April 1, and will be Funded by reserves unil 2026, then from the Area-Rated Budget afterward.
Brown Said Chatham-Kent has 36,200 tonnes of Waste annulyly, with 48 per cent of that organic. Fifteen per hundred of the organic waste is plant-based, with 33 per cent non-plant, or food-based.
The Backyard Composte Program will be implemented in 2026. The Municipality Will Purchase Backyard Composers in Bulk and Sell them to interesting residents for $ 20 a unit.
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“This is mandate by legislation that we shall offered a program… is it mandate that that participate? No,” brown said. “That Program Would be Complely Voluntary.
“WE’D OBVIOUSLY have a big promotion and education about how to use that.”
A Standardized Curbside Leaf and Yard Waste Collection in All Curbside Urban Communities, While Preserving the Existing Levels of Service in Ridgetown and Thamesville, will be implemeted in 2027, contingent on the procurement timeline.
The Depot Food Waste Digester Pilot Program will be implemented in 2028 at the Harwich Depot for One Year, Which Will Allow Assessment of the Viabity of Expanding to Add Depots.
South Kent Coun. Anthony Ceccacci Entered the Amendment Asking Council to Request for Full Funding from the province for the various initiatives.
“I Know it probably won’t go very far, but i think it’s important your job an opportunity to at least advocate and ask,” he said.