Cosmetic surgery: are young people becoming addicted to the scalpel?

Cosmetic surgery are young people becoming addicted to the scalpel

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    It is a phenomenon in the process of explosion: more and more young people are going to the billiards for cosmetic surgery or to have recourse to the cosmetic doctor, such as injections for the lips or the face. Why such an interest ? The answers of Elsa Mari, journalist at Le Parisien and author with Ariane Riou of the book “Generation bistouri, investigation into the ravages of cosmetic surgery among young people”, published by JC Lattès.

    It’s a number that caught their attention. Since 2019, 18-34 year olds consume more aesthetic procedures than 50-60 year olds. “How is it possible that young people consume more aesthetic acts than their parents? wonder Elsa Mari and Ariane Riou, respectively journalists in the Health and Story department of Parisian.

    A phenomenon linked to reality TV and influencers

    Thinking about it a bit, we realized that it was a ubiquitous phenomenon in the world of reality TV and influencers” begins Elsa Mari. “The Marseillais, The Angels of reality TV… Parents are not very interested in this type of program, but their children are.” adds the journalist. “And I had already noticed since around 2017, that with each new season, the participants came back transformed by a new act of cosmetic surgery: thicker lips, more rounded buttocks, redone chest, transplanted hair….” she explains. “In addition to social networks, this inevitably influences young people, who sometimes dream of looking like them”.

    “There are two types of cosmetic surgery”

    Far from wanting to blame cosmetic surgery, the journalist details her point. “The objective of the book is not to condemn cosmetic surgery. There are people who have a deep malaise and for whom it meets a real need. But there are also other young people, who follow a trend, want to look like “beauty standards” and they do not measure the consequences of such acts on their bodies, which they will sometimes transform for life”.

    The indignant journalist adds: “There are plastic surgeons and doctors, who do their job properly, but there is a whole system of unqualified people, who offer injections at knockdown prices, in rented apartments, without any medical or hygiene knowledge, while this type of gesture must be carried out by a doctor, according to the law. It is purely illegal and some people are today disfigured for life because of injections of this type, it is scandalous!

    A whole system to review

    According to the journalist, influencers who promote this type of injections are fooling young people. “They praise the merits of people who work illegally and nothing is done to prevent them from exercising: the authorities have not tackled the problem head on. Meta does not collaborate to close this type of accounts and even if by chance an account is deleted, another can be created without problem…”.

    In 2021, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) simply issued a reminder on the issue, calling on health professionals to be wary of injection products against wrinkles which could be falsified.

    In general, we feel that the authorities are beginning to be aware of the problem, but all the stakeholders really need to think about the supervision of these practices, because this is not the case, for the moment.“deplores Elsa Mari, who really wants to alert young people to the fact that their body is not a product and that an act of medicine or cosmetic surgery is never to be taken lightly.
