Corte Auditi, Carlino: “Ensure accounts rebalancing and return debt-pil relationship”

Corte Auditi Carlino Ensure accounts rebalancing and return debt pil relationship

(Finance) – “Over twenty -one sthey were the complex measures of the central administrations examined in 2024, of which about one thousand six hundred relating to the PNRR “. The president of the Court of Auditors reported it Guido Carlinoduring the inauguration of the judicial year 2025. “Despite the increase in the documents received by the check – he underlined – the average time taken for the relative examination was about twenty -two days, well under the sixties provided for by the law “.

“In a context characterized by large and delicate political-economic comparisons globally and internal, the uncertain evolution of the macroeconomic framework and the pressing of geopolitical emergencies they recall the need to respond, promptly, to the challenges on the economy and the management of public accounts “continued.

“Any changes to the tax liability regime They should always respect a measured approach, limiting the scope of the exclusions of liability to extraordinary and well -defined contexts, as the Constitutional Court recently reiterated “. Carlino stressed that” the administrative liability and its natural judge, which is the Court of the Conti, ensure the public employee a special regime that already takes into account the right balance between the responsibility of the speed and efficiency of the administrative action through the assessment, even in the presence of compensable damage, of the advantages achieved by the administrative community and the exercise of a large reductive power of the adjustment “

The Court of Auditors “It constitutes a firm protection network for public resources, also necessary to guarantee the social rights that characterize the democratic state Designed by the Constitution “and” is the heart of financial legality “” It supervises the punctual destination of public resources and on who has the responsibility to administer them- He added – It is a crucial role for democracy, widely outlined by the Constitutional Court in numerous pronouncements “

“It is important to report, also to counter an incorrect narrative, that in 2024 it is very significant, and growing on 2023, the data of the sums recovered to the Treasury, which stands at 133,013,470.96 euros (of which 79,389,633.92 deriving from sentences of condemnation, more than double compared to 36.417,641.10 of 2023). In the five -year period 2020/2024 the recovered sums amount to 407,682,310.83 euros overall “, highlighted the attorney general of the Court of Auditors, Pio Silvestri, in his speech for the inauguration of the judicial year 2025.”It is good to rememberand – continued Silvestri – that the execution of the sentences of conviction is the responsibility of the damaged administrations. In this context, over the years, the figure of the public prosecutor has increased its relevance by supporting public administrations, credit owners, with the use of impulse, monitoring and control powers that proved to be particularly useful especially in cases of incapable debtor “. The prosecutor general stressed that” the 47,843,992.66 euros recovered before the summons to trial allow to affirm the substantial goodness of the work of the regional prosecutor’s office, which translates into increasingly well -motivated measures and supported by Idoneo evidentiary compendium “.

“I hope that Parliament may still positively evaluate some instances, relating to both merit and the method of approval of the reform, already outlined by the sections gathered, and also resumed in the hearing in front of the parliamentary commissions, formulated with the only intention of reaching a text that allows The full exercise of its prerogatives, “Silvestri said.” In this sense – he added – and with the intention of finding the right balance between different needs, right before the parliamentary commissions, I reiterated that the strengthening of the powers of Coordination of the Prosecutor General, provided for by art. 12 of the Code of Justice accounting against regional prosecutors, cannot be pursued at the expense of the principle of independence sanctioned by art. 108 of the Constitution “
