(Finance) – La mobility corporate In Italy it is experiencing an unprecedented evolution, driven by technological changes, sustainability needs and new models of use of services. These are the themes at the center of the study “Technological transition of the business mobility: trend, drivers, constraints, opportunities, solutions. Multi-metado research on the evolutionary scenarios of Business Mobility in Italy “ presented today on the occasion of the event organized by Luiss-x.ite And Telepass Business and hosted in the suggestive setting of Villa Blanc in Rome. The event saw the participation of industry experts and company representatives to discuss the future of corporate mobility.
The study, directed by Prof.ssa Sunrise Of AnielloExecutive director of Luiss-X.ite, was conducted with a multi-metado approach by means of desk, social listening analysis, and a Delphi Panel that involved important mobility managers, highlights how the company mobility sector is evolving towards the model “Business Mobility As a Service” (BMAAS). It is an integrated and flexible approach that exceeds the traditional conception of the company car as a benefit to privilege and offer multimodal, flexible and sustainable solutions with a direct impact on the well -being of employees and on corporate competitiveness. All this in line with the profiles of preferences of the new generations increasingly sensitive to service and experience and less to possession.
From the study they emerge trend And change driverranging from environmental sustainability to digitization, up to the redefinition of flex management and corporate welfare strategies. Companies face a cultural and organizational challenge to integrate intermodal mobility solutions, enhancing the strategic role of the mobility manager and adopting tools capable of optimizing costs, efficiency and well -being of employees.
There research It highlights that corporate mobility is no longer only a question of management of means of transport, but represents a strategic asset that companies must be able to enhance in view of innovation, sustainability and efficiency. The Business Mobility As a Service (BMAAS) model is confirmed as the paradigm of futurecapable of combining flexibility, reduction of environmental impact and improvement of the experience of employees and collaborators.
There digitization And the analysis of the data take on an increasing role in the management of corporate mobility. The advanced technological platforms allow you to monitor movements, optimize costs and reduce the environmental impact, responding in a targeted way to the needs of companies and workers. Business mobility is not only a strategic asset, but a real tool of welfare. Reduce the stress linked to travel, encourage sustainable mobility solutions and optimize travel times improve the well -being of employees, with positive effects on productivity and retention of talents.
The study underlines the importance of a ecosystem collaborative Among companies, institutions and providers of mobility services to accelerate the transition to more sustainable solutions. Targeted incentives, adequate infrastructures and innovative corporate policies are essential elements for the success of the corporate mobility of the future.
THE young professionalsparticularly Tech-Savvy and attentive to the environmental impact, they are guiding the adoption of new business models typical of the sharing economypreferring use with respect to the possession of goods and services. The mobility budget is emerging as an instrument of attraction and retention of talents, allowing more sustainable and flexible mobility. At the same time, the study conducted by Luiss-X.ite has highlighted a change in the mobility behaviors between senior and junior resources: the new generations tend to prefer public transport, car sharing, car pooling and bike sharing, while senior resources continue to prefer the corporate car. However, the car remains a key element of corporate welfare, with a symbolic and functional value destined to persist over time.
“In Italy, the context of Business Mobility is influenced by a series of unique factors that reflect both the economic structure of the country, and the territorial fragmentation and the cultural specificities of the different internal geographies – he underlined Michele CoastableScientific director Luiss-X.ite-nevertheless emerges a growing opening by mobility managers towards innovative mobility models, often a consequence of a growing interest in the issues connected to sustainability in a broad sense, including social responsibility. Therefore, a framework of technological change emerges which if effectively managed can lead to significant cost savings, putting the needs of users and workers at the center of each evolution and the well-being of workers, thanks to an integrated, data-driven and sustainable business mobility model “.
With the launch of Telepass BusinessTelepass has already started to transform the concept of corporate mobility, offering an integrated solution to simplify and optimize movements. “Telepass Business is a unique platform of its kind. Launched in 2022, it integrates the payment of mobility services, through device and app, with a prepaid card for the payment of the other company’s company expenses. To this are added a simple and effective reporting of the expenses and a management portal for the mobility of the collaborators. A new integrated and intermodal mobility model that allows the employee to move in a flexible way and to the companies to support themselves. A solution to make the management of company expenses more efficient and simple and which provides an answer to the increasing request for business mobility as a service “, he declares Paolo MalerbaChief Business Sales Officer of Telepass.