Coronavirus statement from WHO! “He reversed the process, decreased by 2 years”

It contains lots of mutations The new variant of the

In the statement made on the WHO website, it was reported that the improvements and progress in average life expectancy around the world were reversed during the Covid-19 epidemic.

In the statement, it was noted that life expectancy decreased by 1.8 years due to the Covid-19 epidemic in 2019-2021, falling to 71.4 years on average.


WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in his statement on the subject, “The Covid-19 epidemic reversed a 10-year gain in life expectancy in just 2 years.” he said.

Ghebreyesus underlined that countries should agree on a global epidemic agreement in order to protect future generations.

According to WHO’s “World Health Statistics 2024” report, the American continent and Southeast Asian countries are the places most affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. The report emphasized that Covid-19 was the most common cause of death in the American continent in 2020 and 2021.

On the other hand, the report stated that Western Pacific countries were minimally affected by the virus in the first two years of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Life expectancy is a statistical measure of how long a person lives on average.

Source: AAThis content was published by Recep Demircan

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